We proudly welcome our outstanding 10 high school students into the Macedonia2025 family as part of our Support Fund for Talented Students. These young visionaries have the potential to shape the future of our society, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to support their journey!
Congratulations to the newest generation of scholarship recipients! Together, we are committed to fostering a brighter, more prosperous Macedonia.
A heartfelt thank you to all our generous donors and supporters for investing in the leaders of tomorrow. Stay tuned for updates as they embark on their inspiring paths to success!
Learn more about our scholarship recipients here: https://macedonia2025.com/scholarship-recipients/
Category: Announcements
Инженери од Џонсон Мети – Промотивна кампања “Наука за иднината„
Ајде да инспирираме повеќе ученици да ја засакаат НАУКАТА!
Науката е срцето на иновациите и откритијата кои го менуваат нашиот свет. Нашата кампања „Наука за иднината“ има за цел да ги мотивира и поттикне учениците од основното образование да ја засакаат науката и да го следат патот на научните истражувања. Веруваме дека секое дете има потенцијал да стане идниот голем научник, и ние сме тука да ги инспирираме и поддржиме во тој пат.
Во рамките на нашата кампања, со особено задоволство ви ја претставуваме серијата мотивациски пораки од врвните инженери за контрола на процесот од Џонсон Мети, Македонија. Овие инспиративни професионалци споделија свои совети и мотивации, со цел да ги поттикнат младите умови да ја следат својата страст кон науката.
Ана Таневска Зафировски, ни порачува дека љубопитноста и желбата за знаење се клучот за големите откритија.
Вангел Михајлов, ни ја пренесува важноста на континуираното учење и проширување на нашите хоризонти.
Марко Белакапоски, нѐ потсетува дека со знаење и образование можеме да го трансформираме светот околу нас.
Тијана Лазова, нѐ инспирира со својата порака за упорност и храброст на патот до успехот.
Кампањата „Наука за иднината“ е имплементирана во рамки на Johnson Matthey Програмата за влијание на заедницата „Науката и јас“. Со оваа иницијатива, сакаме да ги поттикнеме учениците да изберат кариера и образование поврзано со наука, и да ја изградат својата иднина како идни лидери и иноватори.
Придружете ни се во ова патување и помогнете ни да инспирираме генерации на млади научници кои ќе го обликуваат светот на утрешницата https://macedonia2025.com/%d0%bf%d1%80%d0%be%d0%bc%d0%be%d1%82%d0%b8%d0%b2%d0%bd%d0%b0-%d0%ba%d0%b0%d0%bc%d0%bf%d0%b0%d1%9a%d0%b0-%d0%bd%d0%b0%d1%83%d0%ba%d0%b0-%d0%b7%d0%b0-%d0%b8%d0%b4%d0%bd%d0%b8%d0%bd%d0%b0%d1%82/
Day 6 Recap: Celebrating Artistic Innovations and Team Triumphs at Ohrid Hi-Tech Excellence Camp!
The day kicked off with a stimulating session led by Robotics & Innovation Academy focusing on the “Master Piece” Challenge. It was a testament to creativity and teamwork, highlighted and focused on art and culture. Participants immersed themselves in identifying and addressing cultural and artistic issues within their communities. They applied critical thinking, research skills, and teamwork to develop innovative solutions, building their own robots and programming them to participate in the Masterpiece Challenge within a given time frame. The competition tasks required them to complete missions that showcased their interpretations of cultural themes through robotic artistry.
A well-deserved lunch break provided time to recharge before diving into the creative workshop on Macedonian crafts, where participants crafted Friendship Medals, blending traditional artistry with modern design principles.
The highlight of the evening was the farewell party, where achievements were celebrated and memories shared, marking the end of a transformative experience at the Ohrid Hi-Tech Excellence Camp.
This was our final day, where we reflect on the journey and celebrate the successes of our talented participants!
A Huge Thank You to Ohrid Hi-Tech Excellence Camp Incredible Partners! 🌟
A heartfelt thank you to our amazing corporate partners and supporters—Alkaloid, Kostal, Triglav Osiguruvanje,ItLabs, IWC, WVP Fund Investment, Vincini, and Fructal! Your unwavering support powers our participants’ journey into the world of robotics, making these enriching and memorable experiences possible for everyone involved at the Ohrid Hi-Tech Excellence Camp. Your dedication and commitment have been pivotal in shaping the success of our program, enabling us to inspire and empower the next generation of innovators and leaders. Together, we have created a platform where young minds thrive, explore, and excel in the fields of technology and engineering.
We also extend our deepest gratitude to our implementing partners: Brainster, iSource Young Engineers Robotics & Innovation Academy Ohridsko Leto – Cultural program partner (http://ohridskoleto.com.mk/). Your collaboration and expertise have been instrumental in shaping the success of our program, from curriculum development to hands-on learning experiences. Together, we have created a platform where young minds thrive, explore, and excel in the fields of technology and engineering.
As we continue to advance and expand our initiatives, we look forward to further strengthening our partnership and exploring new opportunities to make a lasting impact.
#macedonia2025 #mk2025education #mk2025leadershipdevelopment #mk2025scholarships #македонија2025 #mk2025networking #mk2025partnerships
Day 5 Recap: Presidential Honors and High-Tech Adventures at Ohrid Hi-Tech Excellence Camp!
Day 5 at the Ohrid Hi-Tech Excellence Camp was an inspiring blend of innovation and honor, highlighted by the esteemed visit of President Gordana Siljanovska Davkova and an educational hands-on tour of Kostal Automobil Elektrik.
The first highlight of the day was the visit to Kostal Macedonia. The tour offered a fascinating glimpse into the advanced automotive electronics industry. Participants learned about the intricate processes of designing and manufacturing electronic components used in modern vehicles. They saw firsthand how cutting-edge technology is applied in practice to create sophisticated automotive systems such as sensor modules, control units, and switch panels. This hands-on experience was both educational and inspiring, showcasing the latest advancements in automotive technology and the practical applications of engineering principles in real-world scenarios. A big thank you to Kostal for this impressive experience!
Later, we had the immense honor of welcoming President Gordana Siljanovska Davkova and our cofounder Mitre Kutanovski to our camp. Their visit included a presentation of projects by our talented participants, followed by a short address. To commemorate their achievements, President Davkova delivered certificates to the participants, marking a moment of pride and recognition for their hard work and dedication. Her engagement and encouragement were truly motivational, emphasizing the importance of fostering young talent in Macedonia.
The afternoon featured an enlightening session with Brainster, where participants delved into the Fable robotic system. They explored its components and various sensors, both internal and external. The session also covered fundamental programming concepts such as algorithms, conditions, loops, variables, and functions, all within the context of the Fable ecosystem. This session also focused on Design Thinking, guiding participants through the creation process from idea to prototype. Working on group projects, they applied their newfound knowledge and creativity, resulting in impressive prototypes and innovative solutions.
Stay tuned for more exciting adventures and discoveries tomorrow!🌟
#macedonia2025 #mk2025education #mk2025leadershipdevelopment #mk2025scholarships #македонија2025 #mk2025networking #mk2025partnerships
Special Visit: President Gordana Siljanovska Davkova Graces Ohrid Hi-Tech Excellence Camp! 🇲🇰✨
Today, we were honored to welcome the President of the Republic of Macedonia, Siljanovska Davkova, to the Ohrid Hi-Tech Excellence Camp! Her visit added an extraordinary dimension to our camp, inspiring both participants and organizers alike.
President Siljanovska Davkova engaged with our young innovators, exploring their projects and discussing the importance of technology and education in shaping the future of our nation. Her words of encouragement and insight were a highlight of the day, leaving a lasting impression on everyone.
We extend our deepest gratitude to President Siljanovska Davkova for her patronage and unwavering support of this project. Her involvement underscores the significance of nurturing young talent and fostering a culture of innovation in Macedonia.
Thank you, President Siljanovska Davkova, for being a beacon of inspiration and for your dedication to empowering the next generation of leaders.
Day 4 Recap: Engineering Excellence and Cultural Exploration at Ohrid Hi-Tech Excellence Camp! 🤖🏛
Day 4, July 10th, 2024, of the Ohrid Hi-Tech Excellence Camp was a perfect blend of engineering innovation and cultural immersion! The day began with invigorating morning gymnastics, energizing everyone for the activities ahead.
The morning sessions kicked off with Young Engineers guiding participants through the construction of a Robotic Arm. This session emphasized the crucial roles of gears and belts, familiarizing students with the sensor programming environment and the robot programming process. Participants engaged deeply, building and programming their robotic arms with impressive precision.
After a brief break, our young scholars continued with another session featuring exciting projects like Riley Rover, Driving Around, Playing with Objects, and Reacting to Lines. These activities introduced basic principles in robotics, such as construction and programming, motor operation, and sensor motion. The hands-on experience enriched students’ understanding of robotics, sparking creativity and collaboration.
Following a well-deserved lunch break, the participants enjoyed some sports activities and beach time, offering a perfect balance of physical engagement and relaxation. The sunny beach provided a wonderful setting for team-building and fun.
In the evening, participants departed for a city tour and sightseeing in the charming old town of Ohrid. The tour offered a glimpse into Ohrid’s rich history and stunning architecture, fostering a deeper connection with Macedonian culture. Wow such a great experience to see the preparation for the opening of the Ohrid Summer Festival J
The day concluded with a delightful dinner, where participants enjoyed delicious local cuisine and shared their experiences, reflecting on the day’s adventures.
A huge thank you to our incredible corporate partners and supporters—Alkaloid, Kostal, Triglav Osiguruvanje, IWC, VWP, Vincini, and Fructal! Your support powers our participants’ journey into the world of robotics, making these enriching and memorable experiences possible for everyone involved.
Stay tuned for more exciting news tomorrow! 🌟
#macedonia2025 #mk2025education #mk2025leadershipdevelopment #mk2025scholarships #македонија2025 #mk2025networking #mk2025partnerships
Day 3 Recap: Sailing Adventures and Robotic Marvels at Ohrid Hi-Tech Excellence Camp! 🚤🤖
Day 3 (July 9th, 2024) of the Ohrid Hi-Tech Excellence Camp was filled with adventure and innovation! Participants kicked off their day with a delicious breakfast, setting the stage for an exciting series of activities.
The morning began with a picturesque boat trip to St. Kaneo. Departing from the hotel port, participants enjoyed stunning views of Ohrid Lake, fostering a sense of camaraderie and anticipation for the day ahead. Special thanks go to the Ohrid Summer Festival for being a great supporter and promoter of Macedonian culture!
Upon returning, the participants dove into an engaging session with Young Engineers. They tackled projects like Group Conveyors, which introduced concepts such as linear motion, double power increasing transmission, system resource utilization, inventive thinking, and converting circular motion to linear motion.
The afternoon session brought even more excitement with exercises highlighting the importance of gears and belts. Students familiarized themselves with the Robotic Academy sensor programming environment and robot programming process through fun projects like Spirographs, spinners, and an “after lunch” tea brewer.
The day continued with enjoyable beach activities, offering a perfect balance of relaxation and physical engagement.
Following a short break, creativity took the spotlight with a workshop on Macedonian crafts. Participants created beautiful earrings from “srma,” learning about Macedonian traditions and expressing their artistic skills.
Embracing the Euro2024 euphoria, everyone gathered to watch a thrilling football match, rounding off the day with excitement and team spirit.
Day 2 Recap: Robotics Rule at Ohrid Hi-Tech Excellence Camp! 🤖
Day 2 at the Ohrid Hi-Tech Excellence Camp was all about robotics! Participants kicked off the day with a wake-up call and some invigorating morning gymnastics. The excitement continued with energizing ice-breaker sessions led by iSource, which helped foster new friendships and connections. Special thanks goes to Natasha Chavdarovska.
The morning was packed with engaging sessions by Young Engineers. Participants delved into the world of Light Bricks, exploring their functions and parameters. They practiced the Light Command while working in teams with advanced LEGO® robotic sets, building and programming impressive robotic structures.
After a short break, the learning continued with the captivating Pattern Drawing Machine lecture. This advanced building exercise allowed students to hone their Loop Command and Random Loop Command skills, boosting their programming expertise and enhancing teamwork. Following a well-deserved lunch break, the afternoon session introduced exciting new projects: A washing machine, spinners and a food mixer. During these construction challenges, students explored concepts such as centrifugal and centripetal forces in linear motion, double power increasing transmission, system resources utilization, inventive thinking, and converting circular to linear motion. These activities further enriched their understanding of robotics and engineering principles.
The day concluded with team sports and beach activities that fostered team spirit among participants. The evening was capped with a cozy movie night, leaving everyone excited for the learning adventures yet to come.
A heartfelt thank you to our amazing corporate partners and supporters—Alkaloid, Kostal, Triglav Osiguruvanje, IWC, VWP, Vincini, and Fructal—for making this day both educational and fun! Your support is invaluable in creating these enriching experiences for all our participant
🌟 #macedonia2025 #mk2025education #mk2025leadershipdevelopment #mk2025scholarships #македонија2025 #mk2025networking #mk2025partnerships
Day 1 Recap: The 4th Ohrid High-Tech Excellence Camp Unleashes a Spectacular Start! 🚀
Today, on July 7th, 2024, the fourth Ohrid Hi-Tech Excellence Camp 2024 blasted off with a sensational start! Our thrilling journey began in Skopje and led us to the breathtaking Hotel Aqualina in Ohrid. The camp is already buzzing with energy and excitement with participants from the US, Croatia, Malta, Sweden, Italy, Qatar, and Macedonia.
Nikica Mojsoska Blazevski and Nena Manchev, representatives of Macedonia2025, delivered an inspiring welcome address, setting the stage for an exhilarating week ahead. They highlighted Macedonia2025’s commitment to fostering education, innovation, and leadership development in Macedonia and beyond. Emphasizing the organization’s core values of excellence, integrity, and community, they encouraged participants to embrace the opportunities ahead, collaborate passionately, and drive positive change.
The participants dove into dynamic “Get to Know Each Other” sessions, facilitated by our program partners at iSource. They engaged in a variety of icebreaker activities designed to foster connections and ignite a collaborative spirit. The highlight of the day? Beach activities and games brought everyone together in a fun and laid-back setting, forging bonds and creating unforgettable memories.
As the sun set, we wrapped up the day with a delicious dinner and a delightful beach stroll, eagerly looking forward to the amazing adventures that lie ahead! 🌟 A heartfelt thank you to our amazing corporate partners and supporters—Alkaloid, Kostal, Triglav Osiguruvanje, IWC, VWP, Vincini, and Fructal—for making this event possible! Your support is invaluable in creating these enriching experiences for all our participants
Nadica Vanova Nakjinova – The promotional campaign “Science for the Future”
Let’s inspire more pupils to love SCIENCE!
Embarking on a mission to ignite a passion for science in the hearts of young minds, our groundbreaking promotional campaign, “Science for the Future,” proudly showcases Nadica Vanova Nakjinova, an exceptional Senior Researcher at Alkaloid AD’s Institute of Research and Development. Join us as we delve into the inspiring journey of Nadica, whose path, deeply rooted in a legacy of healthcare, exemplifies dedication, innovation, and the relentless pursuit of scientific excellence.
Who is she?
Nadica Vanova Nakjinova, a Master of Pharmacy and Senior Researcher at Alkaloid AD’s Institute of Research and Development works in the department for value-added medicines development. As a formulation scientist, her primary focus is on addressing the complex challenges of formulation and process development for value-added medicines. She and her team are dedicated to rethinking, reinventing, and optimizing medications based on established molecules. Their goal is to innovate in ways that improve human health, meet patients’ unmet needs, and ultimately enhance their quality of life.
Her Journey and Success Story
Nadica was born and raised in Veles, where she completed her primary and secondary education. Her lifelong fascination with biology, medicine, and chemistry, influenced by many doctors and pharmacists in her family, naturally led her to a career in pharmaceutical research. Their dedication to improving human health inspired her passion for this field.
Nadica Vanova Nakjinova’s journey in pharmacy began in 2010 at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Pharmacy, where she graduated with a Master of Pharmacy in 2015 and was honored with the “Foundation Trajche Mukaetov” scholarship, recognizing her as one of the top students. In her current role, she spends long hours in the laboratory, engages in extensive reading, brainstorms with her team, applies critical thinking, and continuously advances in the field. The problem-based learning approach at the pharmaceutical faculty instilled in her a commitment to lifelong learning, which has been crucial to her success.
During her studies, she developed a keen interest in pharmaceutical technology. Her master’s thesis focused on micro-encapsulation through spray-drying of probiotics to enhance their viability. This research was conducted at the faculty’s Center for Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology, where she had the privilege of working with an inspiring PhD candidate and mentor. Later, she became a PhD candidate at the same institute, conducting her research and having the opportunity to publish her work.
Although her current PhD research is in the emerging field of nanotechnology—specifically, developing dual drug-loaded lipid-polymer hybrid nanoparticles—and differs from her daily work, it has taught her the importance of discipline, work ethic, resilience, and a courageous spirit. Science has slowly become part of her DNA—a way of thinking and living.
Professional Achievements from junior researcher to team lead at Alkaloid AD Skopje
“I joined the Institute of Research and Development at Alkaloid AD Skopje in 2015, shortly after graduating. Starting as a junior researcher and progressing to a team lead role, I have tackled numerous challenging projects, being part of their development, transfer and scale-up to industrial scale as well as their marketing authorization approval processes.
I am particularly proud to be named as an inventor in three international patent applications submitted under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) for different formulation dosage forms during my nearly nine-year tenure at Alkaloid AD Skopje. This achievement represents a significant milestone in my career and has also introduced a new perspective within the company.
The dynamic work environment at Alkaloid AD Skopje has enabled me to excel in various processing techniques essential for developing new formulations of solid, liquid, and semi-solid dosage forms. I was fortunate to have mentors who generously shared their knowledge during my early days at the company.
Although the formulations our team works on are based on known molecules, they are not fully generic. We leverage the active ingredient’s chemistry to create unique and innovative formulations.
Our institute at Alkaloid AD Skopje is a regional leader, fostering a supportive team environment that encourages young scientists to learn and realize their potential. We have in our institute and also collaborate with some of the greatest researchers in Macedonia, and I am grateful for the opportunities and support that have fueled my passion for science. I am motivated to see how the scientific journey unfolds for the younger generation.”
Giving back to the Homeland
At Alkaloid AD Skopje, there is a strong dedication to contributing to the homeland’s development in every possible way. The company has organized numerous donations, scholarships, internship programs, and motivational campaigns, with plans to continue evolving these efforts to meet future needs. Nadica Vanova Nakjinova chose to build her career in her homeland, believing that with the right discipline and mindset, great achievements and an enhanced quality of life can be realized locally.
Inspirational Message
Her inspirational quote/personal message to all primary school students is to motivate them to choose a science-related career/education: “We build on the work of those before us and owe it to those who are yet to come. Our mission is to advance the knowledge passed to us and inspire new generations to do the same. Our scientific contribution can transform local communities and should serve as a beacon of hope and innovation for the new generations, paving the way for a brighter future here in our homeland.”
The Power of Knowledge
In a world full of possibilities, the gift of knowledge is the most valuable treasure we can bestow upon the next generation. By joining this initiative, you become a beacon of inspiration for those who will carry the torch of science forward.
Let’s work together to inspire, empower, and educate. Let’s ignite the passion for science in the hearts of primary school pupils. Your words could be the spark that lights the fire of curiosity and excellence.
Share your favorite motivational quote and/or a short success story that highlights your journey as a scientist, on the following LINK
Join us in shaping the future of science and the young scientists who will define it. Together, we can make a difference.
Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey!
The campaign is implemented as part of Johnson Matthey’s Community Impact Program “Science and Me”