Analysis and Publications


Johnson Matthey Community Impact Program “Science and Me” – An Opportunity to Improve Teaching Natural Sciences in Primary Schools in Macedonia

PERHOUSE: Personal and household services (PHS) in Central and Eastern European Countries: Improving working conditions and services through industrial relations “

PERHOUSE leaflet Macedonia PERHOUSE National Report Macedonia PERHOUSE_Policy brief Macedonia





Q1 Quarterly Monitoring 2024

Quarterly economic monitor − Q3 2023

Industrial production in the third quarter of 2023 fell to 0.8%, contrary to the previous quarter when there was an increase.

Quarterly Economic Monitor Q2 – 2019

Macedonia 2025 projects: GDP growth between 1 – 3% in q2 2019 Based on the available early warning indicators and high frequency data, we project moderate economic slowdown in North Macedonia in the second quarter of 2019. These projections are based on following economic developments in q2 2019: Industry: Industrial production grew moderately by only 1.3% […]

Quarterly Economic Monitor Q3 – 2019

Macedonia 2025 forecast: GDP growth in Q3 2019 will be between 2.5% and 4.5% According to the latest high frequency indicators and available data, moderate acceleration of economic growth is expected in Q3 2019, compared to the previous quarter. The projection is due to the following economic developments in Q3 2019: Production side: Industry: Industrial production […]

Quarterly Economic Monitor – Projections Q4 – 2019

Macedonia2025 projects: GDP Growth between 1,0% and 3,0% in Q4 2019  Based on the available early warning indicators and high frequency data, we expect moderate slowdown in economic growth in the fourth quarter of 2019. The projection is due to the following economic developments in the fourth quarter of 2019: Production side: Industry:  Industrial production recorded a negative growth […]

Quarterly Economic Monitor – Projections Q1 – 2020

Macedonia 2025 forecast: GDP growth in Q1 2020 will be between 2.0% and 4.0% According to the latest high frequency indicators and available data, moderate deceleration of the economic growth is expected in Q1 2020, compared to the previous quarter. The projection is due to the following economic developments in Q1 2020: Production side: Industrial […]

Economic Growth and Employment in Q1, 2020

The Macedonian economy achieved modest results in Q1 2020, with a GDP growth of 0.2%. Although a deceleration of economic growth was expected, this result is lower than the projections and expectations, including the projections of Macedonia2025. High-frequency data such as trade, construction, foreign trade data, etc., for the months of January-March indicated a higher […]

Quarterly economic monitor – projections Q2 – 2020

Macedonia 2025 forecast: The decline in GDP in Q2 2020 will be between 12% and 14% According to the latest high frequency indicators and available data, we predict the highest decline in the Gross Domestic Product since 1990, as a result of the health and economic crisis. The projection is due to the following economic developments in […]

Quarterly Economic Monitor – Projections Q3, 2020

Macedonia2025 forecast: The decline in GDP in Q3 2020 will be between 4.5% and 6.5% According to the latest high-frequency indicators and available data so far, we predict a reduction in Gross Domestic Product from 4.5% to 6.5%, as a result of the incomplete recovery of the economy from the consequences of the COVID-19 crisis and the restrictive measures that […]

Quarterly economic monitor − projections Q2 2022

Macedonia 2025 forecasts: GDP growth in Q 2 2022 will be between 1.5 % and 3.5 % According to the latest high-frequency indicators and the data available so far, we forecast a positive but relatively low growth of the Gross Domestic Product, i.e. a growth of 1.5% to 3.5%. The main reason for the predicted relatively low economic growth is the war in Ukraine, the high […]


Macedonia Country Dashboard – 2018 Q2 update:

Macedonia’s economy returned to higher growth in Q2 2018, with real GDP increasing by 3.12 per cent in YE terms and 1.14 per cent over the year (YOY). Q2 2018 marked a return to higher growth for Macedonia as can be seen in graph 1 below. Wholesale and retail trade (12.7 per cent YE) and […]

Macedonia Country Dashboard – 2019 Q1 update

2019 Q1 continued the recent trend in upward growth (4.1 per cent YoY), pushing up the annual-average growth to 3.4 per cent (graph 1). In production terms, all sectors except IT and Communication and Finance and Insurance made positive contributions. Wholesale and Retail Trade made the biggest contribution (1.3 percentage points), followed by Agriculture (0.65 […]

Macedonia Country Dashboard – 2019 Q2 Update

The economy continued its recent trend of consistent growth with real GDP growth of 3.1 per cent YoY for Q2 2019 (graph 1). Graph 1: Real GDP growth, quarterly data In production terms, Wholesale and Retail Trade made the largest contribution to growth (1.49 percentage points), growing 7.5 percent YoY (graph 2). IT and Communication […]

Macedonia Country Dashboard – 2019 Q3 update

Thе third quarter saw another positive result (3.6 per cent YoY) continuing the trend of strong growth so far this year (graph 1). In production terms, all sectors had a positive contribution except manufacturing which decreased slightly. The biggest contributor was wholesale and retail trade (0.9 percentage points) which grew 4.9 percent YoY, followed by […]

Macedonia Country Dashboard – 2019 Q4 update

1. Gross domestic product: GDP growth in 2019Q4 was relatively high at 3.4 percent YoY, contributing to the 3.6 percent annual growth for the year (graph 1). Graph 1: Real GDP growth, quarterly data Source: State Statistical Office of Macedonia In production terms, all economic sectors had a positive contribution for the quarter except manufacturing […]

Country Dashboard – Q1 2020

Several years after the introduction of the Country Dashboard, in 2020 we conducted an audit process to make it even more relevant in the current global and domestic economic and social context, as well as in line with the desired future of the country (mainly accession to the EU). The revision consisted of two main […]

Country Dashboard – Q3 2020

The economic situation in Q3 2020 has slightly improved after the very poor results in Q2 2020. However, it is still early to talk about recovery, and the uncertainty is still high. Gross domestic product GDP growth in Q3-2020 was -3.3% compared to the same quarter last year (Graph 1). This performance is better than […]