The idea behind the Dashboard was born at one of Macedonia2025 annual Board meetings, when thinking about our purpose and mission, a simple question was raised – ‘What do we mean by a ‘stronger’ nation? And can we prepare a related strategic plan?’ That is why, complementary to our programs, partnerships and initiatives, we led the effort for establishing the Dashboard, with the aim of positively influencing the government and other stakeholders through related countries’ experiences and best practices. Our efforts were also professionally supported by McKinsey & Company, which provided a synthesis of country dashboard best practices and peer country dashboard examples. Within this process, we ‘funneled down’ a large number of potential metrics (i.e. indicators) to ‘top metrics’ that we found most valuable and informative for Macedonia, alongside with an extensive input from Macedonia2025 Board Members.
The Country Dashboard is fully aligned with our mission and strategic objectives. Our vision is to assist the creation of a prosperous economic climate and a ‘stronger nation’ that will improve opportunities for citizens, domestic companies and foreign investors. We seek to promote sustainable economic growth through fostering competitiveness, entrepreneurship, innovations and values-based leadership. As the name of the organization (Macedonia2025) shows, the idea of our founders was to support the country to become part of the developed Western world by 2025. Hence, at the time the Dashboard was created, preliminary targets were set of what the country should achieve by 2025, so that it prospers rapidly towards EU and NATO, and is a better place for living.
After 5 years of using the Dashboard, in 2020 we conducted a process of revision of the Dashboard, with an aim to make it even more relevant and in line with the recent developments and the anticipated future of the country (mainly the EU accession).
The revision consisted of two main processes:
i) careful revision of the most meaningful economic and growth indicators while still aiming at as shortest possible list of indicators and keeping the simplicity, and
ii) rethinking which are the ‘true’ peer countries. The process was conducted by the Growth Committee of Macedonia2025, which involves top-notch domestic and foreign experts.
The renewed Country Dashboard is made up of fifteen measures/indicators. Six of those track the economic growth, while the remaining nine mimic and measure the most important (in our view) drivers for growth – ‘Growth Enablers’. While our organization is aware that we cannot directly influence the economic indicators, we believe that our programs and actions contribute towards creating both short and long-term conditions for growth, i.e. we do affect the Growth Enablers. .
Whereas we believe that the Dashboard is an excellent measurement and monitoring tool, we also expect that it will evolve over time. We will strive to find new and better ways to monitor the country progress, but also to make Macedonia economically stronger.
Additionally, we recently started an initiative in which we provide an interactive tool for all interested partners to explore the Dashboard indicators.
Finally, the periodicity of the publishing of the Country Dashboard is quarterly and annually. In the quarterly reports, we provide update on those indicators for which quarterly data are available, this mainly being macroeconomic indicators.
For the remaining measures, we provide information as soon as it is publicized. The annual reports on Country Dashboard are therefore much richer in information and are valid for the ranking and country comparisons.