Во октомври 2024 година, имав привилегија да бидам дел од Kellogg Executive Development Program, тринеделна програма дизајнирана за извршни лидери, која се одржа на кампусот на Northwestern University, Келог школа за менаџмент во Еванстон, Илиноис.
Осврт на програмата
Програмата надмина сè што очекував – и по содржина и по изведба. Темите беа внимателно селектирани, со фокус на стратешко размислување, организациска трансформација, финансиско планирање, и лидерски вештини. Наставниот кадар беше исклучителен: врвни професори со долгогодишно искуство, кои успеаја теоретските концепти да ги направат применливи преку интерактивни предавања и студии на случај. Најмногу впечаток ми остави иновативниот пристап кон учење – дискусии што овозможија размена на искуства меѓу учесниците, кои доаѓаа од различни индустрии и култури.
Комуникација и влијание на групата
Групата учесници беше импресивна – професионалци од цел свет кои делат слични амбиции и желба за напредок. Комуникацијата и размената на искуства со нив беа подеднакво вредни како и формалниот дел од наставата. Секој од нив придонесе со уникатна перспектива, а заедничките дискусии беа инспиративни и збогатувачки.
Влијание врз личноста и работните навики
Програмата веќе има значајно влијание врз мене, како личност и како лидер. Стратешките теми и темите за лидерство се вистинска вредност, ме поттикна да размислувам поинаку, и да гледам на предизвиците со поинакви методи на решавање. Овие вештини веќе ги применувам во секојдневните работни предизвици, и се надевам дека вредноста од програмата допрва ќе се покаже.
Искуство на кампусот
Кампусот на Kellogg е совршено место за учење и поврзување. Инфраструктурата е модерна и функционална, создадена да го поттикне процесот на учење и размена на идеи. Социјалните активности, заедничките оброци, и времето поминато во неформални средби ги направија овие три недели незаборавни.
Лидерски коучинг
Сесиите за лидерски коучинг беа единствениот Lowlight во целата програма поради слабата структурираност на сесиите.
Препорака за подобрување
Процесот на аплицирање преку Македонија2025 беше добро организиран, и детално водени од вработените во Македонија2025. Логистичката поддршка од програмата беше одлична, но би било корисно да се додадат повеќе можности за поврзување на учесниците со локалната заедница на Келог.
Порака за идните учесници
Ако сте подготвени да излезете од вашата комфорна зона, да стекнете нови перспективи и да се предизвикате себеси да станете подобар лидер, оваа програма е за вас. Искористете ја шансата – инвестирајте во себе, зашто ова искуство ќе го трансформира начинот на кој гледате на бизнисот и на светот околу вас.
Учесник: Костандина Зафировска, Генерален менаџер на ИтЛабс
Wishing all the success to these three incredible female leaders— Elena Panova, Maja Lazarova, and Kostandina Zafirovska—as they embark on the Kellogg Executive Development Program this October 2024!Their journey includes three intensive weeks in person at the Global Hub on Evanston Campus, Kellogg School of Management and we are excited to see the impact they will make in their industries.Within their stay, these remarkable leaders Elena, Maja and Nina had the pleasure of meeting with the Zafirovski Executive Education Program patrons, Robin and Mike Zafirovski. Over a delightful dinner, they shared insights and experiences, connecting with other Macedonians who were also present.It was a wonderful opportunity to exchange ideas, celebrate achievements, and build lasting connections as they embarked on this transformative leadership program. We wish them continued success as they advance in their executive education journey!Thank you, Robin and Mike, for your dedication to elevating leadership in Macedonia and empowering the next generation of leaders!
Call for applications closed on: October 16th, 2024
Macedonia2025 announces the 2025 Open Call for the Zafirovski Executive Education Program, which provides scholarships to the globally renowned Kellogg School of Management.
Since 2017, the Zafirovski Executive Education Program of Macedonia2025 has provided scholarships for Macedonian business leaders to the globally renowned Kellogg Executive Development Program. The program aims to enhance the competencies and performance of Macedonian business leaders and contribute to further developing the Macedonian economy and society.
Our partner in this Program is the Kellogg School of Management, since 1908, has been pioneering the transformation of business education. With a global reach, Kellogg boasts a vibrant community of faculty, staff, students, and alumni who influence business practices worldwide. Kellogg brings a blend of theory and practice to its rigorous academic experience, creating a dynamic learning environment. Learn more about the Kellogg School of Management experience HERE
The Robin and Mike Zafirovski Foundation, in partnership with the Kellogg School of Management, plays a vital role in supporting the Zafirovski Executive Education Program. Our organization, together with the Macedonian business community, is profoundly grateful for their steadfast commitment to advancing the development of Macedonia’s next generation of 100 business leaders. By nurturing their growth, we aspire to empower these leaders to become driving forces for progress, contributing to the strengthening and prosperity of our nation.
The Zafirovski Executive Education Program offers scholarships for Kellogg’s Executive Development Program (EDP) (available scholarships for both sessions)
Kellogg’s Executive Development Program (EDP) trains high-performing managers to become successful leaders. They can learn what it takes to guide organizations through uncertainty and disruption, from general management fundamentals to topics at the forefront of modern strategy. It’s how to anticipate what’s ahead and respond with confidence. To meet the highest expectations, in their next role and everyone after. To be a lasting leader. Kellogg EDP provides the most comprehensive general management overview. It’s a unique balance of business school essentials and emerging topics – from digital transformation to design thinking. The curriculum extends beyond the fundamentals to prepare future leaders for the challenges ahead. This intensive program focuses on a highly immersive and supportive learning environment that emphasizes the foundational business skills needed by general managers to understand and lead the workforce. in which business operates, the key functional areas of management, the development, and implementation of corporate and business strategy, and the promotion of organizational learning. With a finger on the pulse of business, Kellogg ensures the curriculum keeps pace with the ever-evolving challenges and complexity of executive leadership.
Program details:
The program comprises blended or in-person sessions of the Kellogg Executive Development Program (EDP), delivered by the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, USA;
Each participant is required to prepare and present an individual capstone project addressing a specific business challenge in Macedonia, as well as contribute to a group capstone project – facilitating elevation in Macedonia2025 work;
Participants contribute a fee of USD 10,000, covering lodging and most meals (due to potential changes in the program fee, there may be adjustments to this amount);
Total program value of approximately USD 33,550 or 37,350 per participant;
Additionally, participants are responsible for covering their transportation and visa expenses.
The program offers comprehensive Leadership Accelerator Opportunities, including mentoring, networking, experiential learning, recognition, and benefits through Kellogg Alumni Status, along with ongoing support.
Macedonia2025 requirement:
Each participant should: i) prepare and present an individual capstone project for a specific business/challenge in Macedonia and ii) actively contribute to the preparation and presentation of a group capstone project for the betterment of the Macedonia2025 program/activity of choice.
Target participants:
Who is currently a high-performing mid-level or a senior management executive, a functional senior leader on a path to becoming a general manager;
At least 10 years of professional experience;
Functional senior leaders who must interface with other functional areas outside of their expertise;
Principals of small and medium-sized firms, and entrepreneurs or owners of small companies with growth potential;
Who understands that merely focusing on a skills-based change does not lead to sustained professional growth
Who appreciates and values diverse business perspectives and discussions.
Additional requirements:
Candidates must have full support from their current employer;
Strong English reading, listening, and speaking skills are essential;
Written recommendations from Zafirovski Fellows are highly encouraged and will be considered. Please see a list of our Zafirovski Fellows HERE;
Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.
Optional Item: Leadership Coaching Package (priced at $ 3,000)
This package offers one-on-one leadership coaching with a Kellogg leadership coach to maximize impact as a leader. Participants work with the coach to set personal goals and explore situation-specific leadership strategies, with coaching sessions available on-site during early mornings, lunchtimes, or evenings.
The 2025 Executive Education Program Sessions
Blended Session April 7 – May 18, 2025 Start: April 7 at 8:30 AM End: May 18 at 12:00 PM
Live Virtual Zoom Half-Days April 7-11: Faculty Sessions (Required) at 8:30 AM CT April 21-25: Faculty Sessions (Required) at 8:30 AM CT
In-Person Full Days May 8: Welcome Dinner Reception (Optional) at 6:30 PM CT May 9-18: Faculty Sessions (Required) at 8:30 AM CT In-Person fee includes lodging and most meal
In-person Session October 12 – 31, 2025 Start: October 12 at 5:00 PM End: October 31 at 11:45 AM
Format: In-Person at Global Hub on Evanston Campus In-Person fee includes lodging and most meal
Please visit the EDP’s official website HEREor the program’s brochure HEREfor more information.
The number of scholarships available for 2025 will be determined upon receiving applications.
How to apply?
To apply, you must fill in the APPLICATION ASSESSMENT FORM, and attach the required documents. At the end of the process, you should have submitted:
Check testimonials from Zafirovski Fellows, down bottom HERE.
Selection Process
• Macedonia2025 does administrative pre-selection of the applications;
• During the review process, candidates may be asked to submit additional documents;
• Pre-selection of potential candidates is done by an expert Selection commission by mid-November 2024;
• Final selection will follow after a personal interview with Mike Zafirovski;
• Notifying all selected candidates by the end of December 2024.
Important Note
The call is exclusively open to Macedonian executives and managers of companies based in Macedonia, who are committed to advancing their professional careers within the country and contributing to its economic development.
Scholarship recipients of Macedonia2025 education programs in the previous three years are not qualified to apply. Please note that applicants from companies whose employees have not been previous scholarship recipients of this program will be prioritized.
The Open Call for Kellogg EDP closes on October 16th, 2024.
I was part of the Executive Development Program (EDP) at Northwestern Kellogg School of Management in Spring 2024. I had very high expectations before going to the program as it was set by the previous participants who suggested I should go in the first place. This is not wise as the bar was put high, but this program exceeded even this high bar.
The program is designed to prepare potential high flyers for senior management and C-suite roles and to help senior managers and executives enhance their leadership skills, strategic thinking, and ability to drive organizational success in the updated global business environment. The program was structured in logical order with very intense modules for 3 weeks, where all relevant business management parts are covered within the right dose that is required for a business leader. The staff that was delivering the modules were all world-renowned practitioners or academics, that are transferring their real-world knowledge and experience. Learning principles were mostly based on case studies, simulations, and experiences with some mix of theories where this was applicable. Another important part was the group of participants, and this was decisive in whether quality discussion would be developed and how everybody could describe the points taken or add their own experience to it. That is how you learn.
I must admit it is not that easy to break the already implemented corporate management style in an organization where the way of doing business has not changed for more than a decade. However, I am trying to implement some of the things personally and in the local team, although the functioning of the local team mainly depends on the general corporate functionality matrix. I am trying to form the smaller things: like being a better listener, listening not only hearing. Compare the companies’ operations, marketing, and strategy approaches with the frameworks I learned at Kellogg.
My experience with Kellogg was profound, broadening my horizons and looking at what is coming soon in the business. What would be relevant, and what would lose the relevance? How to position your company and yourself in the new setting!
The whole process was very well organized both from Mkd2025 and Kellogg sides. I would perhaps allow more people to be eligible to apply for the Zafirovski Executive Development Program, as I believe the potential needs to be valued much more than the ethnicity if that person is somehow related to Macedonia or wants to help Macedonia.
My message to future scholars
Applying for the Executive Development Program (EDP) at Northwestern Kellogg is a pivotal step toward elevating your leadership capabilities and strategic insight. This immersive program offers unparalleled access to world-class faculty, cutting-edge business strategies, and a diverse network of senior leaders, providing you with the skills and connections necessary to drive significant organizational impact and personal growth. Embrace this opportunity to transform your career and become a catalyst for innovation and success within your organization.
Participant: Nikola Kjurchiski
Company: Regional Manager- Balkans at WEIR Group plc.
I attended the Executive Development Program at Kellogg in June 2024. Prior to my arrival there, my only expectation was to be surprised by it. And surprised I was.
EDP has helped me simultaneously focus and expand my thinking. Sounds counterintuitive, however during the program you internalize looking at challenges from a wider perspective and addressing them thoroughly from multiple angles. You are trained to zoom out, understand, zoom in bit by bit and apply specific technical knowledge and skills to problem-solving.
The program is heavily condensed and squeezed into 3 weeks. It is well structured and follows a very logical flow of subjects and topics. You get to grasp the practical applications and logic of the latest business concepts and use them on real-life examples, all in a matter of hours per topic (marketing, strategy, operations…).
I appreciated the concise and straight forward teaching and well managed discussions. Lectures were quite interactive and while I learned a lot from our professors, I learned at least an equal amount from my peers.
The skills and knowledge gained are widely applicable in businesses, but also in other organizations, in society and in life. This makes the program really engaging and empowering. It encourages you to think about a wider array of challenges that could be solved in your environment.
I am especially thankful for the new people I got to meet and study with. The group was very diverse geographically and professionally, and I was really eager to learn from each and every other participant in the group. The group breathes together throughout the program. We studied, hanged out, partied, solved problems and discovered a lot about each other’s cultures. We’ve made lifelong bonds and friendships.
The Northwestern University Campus in Evanston wraps up this wonderful learning experience in a cosy and historical atmosphere with all amenities a person would need during their stay.
The program is aimed at building better leaders, and it is for my environment to judge whether I have become a better leader. However, I do feel much more confident and prepared in that role after going through those unforgettable 3 weeks.
In the end, I must emphasize the gratitude I feel towards the team at Macedonia2025 for selecting and supporting us along the way, and making this experience really seamless. At the same time, I would also point out the exceptional organization and support by the EDP program team at Kellogg, who have made sure that our experience is focused on learning and developing.
I opted for the coaching sessions alongside EDP. The program assigns a coach for the duration of the program and several sessions prior and after that. The coach had very relevant experience in the business world and has coached many leaders before. He took a couple of sessions to understand my environment and my positioning, and afterwards guided me in the process of planning how to apply the newly gained skills in my environment. I really appreciated the sessions after the ending of the EDP program, because they’ve helped me maintain my direction even after coming back to everyday work and life.
My message to future scholars
Prepare to be surprised by this world-class experience and learning journey. Kellogg will help you simultaneously focus and expand your thinking. It will improve your problem-solving skills and give you confidence to take on bigger and more meaningful challenges. You get to learn from globally renowned practitioners and scholars about current business issues and movements.
Regardless of your current role, prepare to be propelled to the leader version of you.
Participant: Vojdan Jordanov
Company: Executive director and Executive member of Board of Directors in Triglav Osiguruvanje AD, Skopje (Triglav Insurance JSC, Skopje)
We are thrilled to announce that Vojdan, Nikola, and Marko have been selected as the new Zafirovski Fellows. They will be attending the prestigious Executive Development Program at Northwestern University – Kellogg School of Management from June 2-21, 2024.
This in-person program, held at the renowned Allen Center on the Evanston Campus, promises to be an enriching and transformative experience for our fellows. It is designed to hone their leadership skills and expand their strategic vision, preparing them to drive positive change and innovation in their respective fields. We look forward to sharing more updates as they embark on this exciting journey, including details about our upcoming October 2024 cohort.
With the addition of Vojdan, Nikola, and Marko, the number of Zafirovski Fellows has now increased to 45. This growing community of leaders is making a significant impact on Macedonian society and economy, driving advancements and fostering sustainable growth across various sectors and industries.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Mike Zafirovski and his family for their unwavering support and commitment. Their dedication to elevating leadership excellence and fostering the next generation of leaders in Macedonia is truly inspiring. This fellowship is a testament to their vision and generosity, and we are confident that Vojdan, Nikola, and Marko will carry forward this legacy with pride and distinction. Best of luck to our fellows as they take on this incredible opportunity!
Macedonia2025 announces the 2024 Open Call for the Zafirovski Executive Education Program, which provides scholarships to the globally renowned Kellogg School of Management.
Since 2017, the Zafirovski Executive Education Program of Macedonia2025 has provided scholarships for Macedonian business leaders to the globally renowned Kellogg Executive Development Program. The program aims to enhance the competencies and performance of Macedonian business leaders and contribute to the further development of the Macedonian economy and society.
Our partner in this Program is the Kellogg School of Management, since 1908, has been pioneering the transformation of business education. With a global reach, Kellogg boasts a vibrant community of faculty, staff, students, and alumni who influence business practices worldwide. Kellogg brings a blend of theory and practice to its rigorous academic experience, creating a dynamic learning environment. Learn more about the Kellogg School of Management experience HERE
The Robin and Mike Zafirovski Foundation, along with the Kellogg School of Management, provides crucial support to the Zafirovski Executive Education Program. Our organization, alongside the Macedonian business community, deeply appreciates their unwavering dedication to elevating the development of the country’s next generation of 100 business leaders. By investing in the growth of these leaders, we aim for them to become catalysts for progress within Macedonian society, thereby contributing to the fortification of our nation.
The Zafirovski Executive Education Program offers scholarships for Kellogg’s Executive Development Program (EDP) (available posts for the October/November session)
Kellogg’s Executive Development Program (EDP) trains high-performing managers to become successful leaders. They can learn what it takes to guide organizations through uncertainty and disruption, from general management fundamentals to topics at the forefront of modern strategy. It’s how to anticipate what’s ahead and respond with confidence. To meet the highest expectations, in their next role and everyone after. To be a lasting leader. Kellogg EDP provides the most comprehensive general management overview. It’s a unique balance of business school essentials and emerging topics – from digital transformation to design thinking. The curriculum extends beyond the fundamentals to prepare future leaders for the challenges ahead. This intensive program focuses on a highly immersive and supportive learning environment that emphasizes the foundational business skills needed by general managers to understand and lead the workforce. in which business operates, the key functional areas of management, the development, and implementation of corporate and business strategy, and the promotion of organizational learning. With a finger on the pulse of business, Kellogg ensures the curriculum keeps pace with the ever-evolving challenges and complexity of executive leadership.
Program details:
The program comprises in-person sessions of the Kellogg Executive Development Program (EDP), delivered by the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, USA;
Each participant is required to prepare and present an individual capstone project addressing a specific business challenge in Macedonia, as well as contribute to a group capstone project – facilitating elevation in Macedonia2025 work;
Participants contribute a fee of USD 10,000, covering lodging and most meals (due to potential changes in the program fee, there may be adjustments to this amount);
Total program value of approximately USD 37,350 per participant;
Additionally, participants are responsible for covering their transportation and visa expenses.
The program offers comprehensive Leadership Accelerator Opportunities, including mentoring, networking, experiential learning, recognition, and benefits through Kellogg Alumni Status, along with ongoing support.
Macedonia2025 requirement:
Each participant should: i) prepare and present an individual capstone project for a specific business/challenge in Macedonia and ii) actively contribute to the preparation and presentation of a group capstone project for the betterment of the Macedonia2025 program/activity of choice.
Target participants:
Who is currently a high-performing mid-level or a senior management executive, a functional senior leader on a path to becoming a general manager;
At least 10 years of professional experience;
Functional senior leaders who must interface with other functional areas outside of their expertise;
Principals of small and medium-sized firms, and entrepreneurs or owners of small companies with growth potential;
Who understands that merely focusing on a skills-based change does not lead to sustained professional growth
Who appreciates and values diverse business perspectives and discussions.
Additional requirements:
Candidates must have full support from their current employer;
Strong English reading, listening, and speaking skills are essential;
Written recommendations from Zafirovski Fellows are highly encouraged and will be considered. Please see a list of our Zafirovski Fellows HERE;
Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.
Optional Item: Leadership Coaching Package (priced at $ 3,000)
This package offers one-on-one leadership coaching with a Kellogg leadership coach to maximize impact as a leader. Participants work with the coach to set personal goals and explore situation-specific leadership strategies, with coaching sessions available on-site during early mornings, lunchtimes, or evenings.
The 2024 Executive Education Programs – In-person Experience Dates
In-person delivery sessions October 13 – November 1, 2024START: October 13 at 8:30 AMEND: November 1 at 1:00 PM Format: In-Person at Allen Center on Evanston CampusIn-Person fee includes lodging and most meal
Please visit the EDP’s official website HEREor the program’s brochure HERE for more information.
The number of scholarships available for 2024 will be determined upon receiving applications.
How to apply?
To apply, you will need to fill-in the APPLICATION ASSESSMENT FORM, and attach the required documents within. At the end of the process, you should have submitted:
Check testimonials from Zafirovski Fellows, down bottom HERE.
Selection Process
• Administrative pre-selection of the applications is done by Macedonia2025;
• During the review process, candidates may be asked to submit additional documents;
• Pre-selection of potential candidates is done by an expert commission by mid-May 2024;
• Final selection will follow after a personal interview with Mike Zafirovski;
• Notifying all selected candidates by the end of June 2024.
Important Note
The Call is only open to Macedonian executives and managers of companies located in Macedonia, who plan to develop their professional careers in the Republic of Macedonia and contribute to the economic development of the country.
Scholarship recipients of Macedonia2025 education programs in the previous three years are not qualified to apply. Please note that applicants from companies whose employees have not been previous scholarship recipients of this program will be prioritized.
The Open Call for Kellogg EDP closes on April 1st, 2024.
The Executive Education experience at Northwestern Kellogg in October 2023 was nothing short of extraordinary. Having participated in the program, I can confidently assert that it stands as the best in the world. The meticulously crafted content covered precisely the areas crucial for an executive education program, exceeding my expectations in every aspect.
One of the defining features of the program was the unparalleled quality of the teaching staff. The faculty comprised numerous seasoned ex-senior executives, including three former CEOs of billion-dollar companies. The presence of advisors from the Federal Reserve and the World Bank, along with renowned professors, added immense value to the learning experience.
The learning approach employed by Kellogg was particularly effective, utilizing a plethora of business cases and fostering dynamic discussions among participants. This approach not only enhanced the theoretical understanding but also provided practical insights that could be immediately applied in the real business world. The participants themselves, a cohort of senior managers from major corporations, were not only intelligent but also brought a wealth of experience and thoughtfulness to the discussions.
Upon returning, I wasted no time in implementing the wealth of knowledge gained. Already, I have conducted a workshop, applying the insights acquired during the program. The impact was palpable, demonstrating the immediate applicability of the lessons learned.
The campus facilities were top-notch, providing an ideal environment for focused learning. The move for the last week to Chicago from Evanston added a refreshing change to the overall experience, contributing to a stimulating learning atmosphere.
While the leadership coaching was available, I found it unnecessary as the lessons were comprehensive, and post-lesson interactions with professors provided ample opportunities for clarification and discussion.
I must commend Macedonia2025 for their impeccable organization throughout the entire experience. To any leader in Macedonia contemplating such a program, my unequivocal recommendation is to seize the opportunity without hesitation. The Executive Education program at Northwestern Kellogg is not just a learning experience; it is a transformative journey that equips leaders with the tools to navigate the complexities of the modern business landscape.
Surrounded by CEOs and top managers from 17 countries, the learning at the Executive Development Program at Kellogg School of Management was truly global and eye-opening. From polishing hard business skills to refining soft skills, this experience has been life-changing.
I’m grateful for the opportunity to learn, grow, and connect with brilliant minds across industries.
The insights gained will undoubtedly elevate my career and contribute to my personal development. I would like to extend a very special thanks to the person who established and sponsors this program in Macedonia, a true visionary leader and a passionate Macedonian-American, Mike Zafrovski.
I am writing to express my sincere gratitude and enthusiasm for my experience attending the Kellogg Executive Education Program at Northwestern Kellogg. This program has been nothing short of transformative, both professionally and personally. The instant I set foot on the Northwestern Kellogg campus, I sensed that I was embarking on a unique journey. The quality of the faculty, the depth of expertise, and the degree of involvement surpassed even my most optimistic projections. The program’s syllabus had been meticulously crafted, providing a perfect blend of cutting-edge theory and hands-on application. One of the most remarkable aspects of the program was the diversity of the cohort. Interacting with professionals from various industries and backgrounds provided a rich and dynamic learning environment. The collaborative spirit that permeated our group discussions and team projects was truly inspiring. The faculty at Kellogg are not only renowned experts in their fields but also exceptional educators. They fostered an environment where questions were encouraged, and dialogue was open and enlightening. The real-world insights and case studies they shared were invaluable, and I left each session with a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Beyond the classroom, the Kellogg Executive Education Program offers unparalleled networking opportunities. I had the privilege of connecting with accomplished individuals from around the world, building lasting relationships that I believe will continue to benefit me both personally and professionally. As I reflect on my time at Kellogg, I am filled with a sense of empowerment and renewed ambition. The knowledge and skills I acquired have had a direct and positive impact on my work, allowing me to approach challenges with greater confidence and creativity. I feel better equipped to lead, innovate, and drive meaningful change within my organization. In conclusion, attending the Kellogg Executive Education Program was a defining moment in my career journey. It has sharpened my strategic thinking, broadened my perspective, and elevated my leadership abilities. I wholeheartedly recommend this program to anyone seeking to take their career to the next level and look forward to the opportunity to return for further learning in the future. Thank you to the entire Kellogg community and special gratitude to Macedonia2025 and Mike Zafirovski for this life-changing experience. Participants: Toni Jankovski Company: Product Development & Innovation at Diners Club Macedonia