Програмата им овозможува на македонските компании да бидат советувани и поддржани од искусни канадски консултанти со богато искуство и врвни достигнувања. Консултантите ќе работат на конкретните предизвици со кои се соочуваат македонските компании, придонесувајќи кон побрз раст, повисока конкурентиност и интеранционализација на компаниите.
Секоја компанија ќе биде поврзана со консултант чија експертиза и искуство одговараат на потребите на компанијата. Консултантите ќе ги пренесат најдобрите бизнис алатки, процеси и системи за подобрување на организациските, производствените, аналитичките и маркетиншките процеси на компаниите, преку обуки и менторства, во времетраење од 2 недели. Главните сектори кои ги опфаќаат консултантите вклучуваат: финансии, туризам и угостителство, агро-бизнис, ИКТ, менаџмент на природни ресурси, обновливи извори на енергија, прехранбена индустрија итн, иако програмата не исклучува ниту еден сектор.
Програмата е основана во соработка со Catalyste+ (поранешна СЕЅО SACO) канадска организација со 50 годишнo искуство во областа на меѓународниот економски развој. Организацијата работи на развој на приватниот сектор и на зацврстување на структурите кои ги поттикнуваат економските и општествените промени на локално, национално и меѓународно ниво.
Што обезбедува Македонија2025?
Во склоп на програмата, Македонија2025 ги покрива сите консултантски трошоци. Исто така, организацијата спроведува евалуација на апликациите, водење на целиот процес на селекција, закажување интервјуа со интернационална комисија и претставници од Catalyste+.
Што треба да обезбеди компанијата?
Претставници на организацијата континуирано ја следат соработката помеѓу консултантите и компаниите. Компаниите треба да обезбедат:
• Лице од компанијата кое ќе биде постојано достапно на консултантот, најтесно ќе соработува со него за време на посетата и има добро познавање на англиски јазик
• Сместување и трошоци за храна во текот на целиот престој на консултантот
• Локални патни трошоци за консултантот (доколку е потребно)
Кој може да се пријави?
Програмата е наменета за микро, мали и средни компании* кои ги исполнуваат следните услови:
• Минимум една година од постоење на компанијата;
• Сопственик и управител на компанијата е македонски државјанин и жител;
• Лице од компанијата кое ќе биде постојано достапно на консултантот, најтесно ќе соработува со него за време на посетата и има добро познавање на англиски јазик;
• Високо ниво на посветеност од страна на менаџментот на компанијата;
• Во добра финансиска состојба (има можност за спроведување на промените и препораките од консултантот);
• Ги исполнуваат критериумите за микро, мали и средни компании.
*Предност ќе имаат компании кои се извозно ориентирани и нудат иновативни решенија.
Компании кои досега учествуваа на програмата
Како да се пријавите?
Потребно е да испратите:
• Пополнета апликација на англиски јазик, која може да ја симнете тука;
• Краток опис на вашата компанија, како и за тоа зошто ви е потребен консултант (на англиски јазик);
• Дополнителни документи, брошури или каталози за компанијата се добредојдени.
Сите заинтересирани компании, документите треба да ги достават до Координаторот на програмата, Бојана Киселоски, на следната адреса – bojana@macedonia2025.com
Крајниот рок за доставување на апликациите е 31.07.2024 год.
Based on discussions and advice we had from the advisor, we started working on updating our organizational structure in the company by adding a few missing job positions which will make our working process more organized and will allow us to scale and grow the company faster.
We will also change a bit the sales process in our office in Munich. It is very early for the results from the changes to happen, but I think that in the next report we can add more information.
After Richard left Macedonia we stayed in contact, I’ve increased the number of consultants in EQ Excellence, assigned agreement with consultants as partners and have long distance education with him. Richard has invested his time from June to August in 11 online sessions with us and had several educational sessions for supporting me in creating products.
Meanwhile EQ Excellence builds sales channels in Germany and Middle East countries. When we will be able to implement the PM process then we will be able to be present and go on the market.
Clients need these products for increasing their productivity, engagement and build loyal clients’ and employees.
I already have a client who have 600 employees and work 4 years with EQ Excellence. They are willing to receive training for PM with their top management
Macedonia2025 announces the 2023 Open Call for scholarships for executive training at the globally renowned Kellogg School of Management
Since 2017 the Zafirovski Executive Education Program of Macedonia2025, in partnership with the Kellogg School of Management (KSM), provides scholarships for Macedonian business leaders to the globally renowned Kellogg Executive Development Program. The program aims to enhance the competencies and performance of Macedonian business leaders and contribute to the further development of the Macedonian economy and society.
The Kellogg School of Management, since 1908, has been at the forefront of transforming business education. Kellogg is a global business school with a vibrant community of faculty, staff, students and alumni who shape the practice of businesses and organizations around the world. Kellogg brings a blend of theory and practice to its rigorous academic experience, creating a dynamic learning environment. Watch the promotional video of the Kellogg School of Management HERE
The Robin and Mike Zafirovski Foundation support the Zafirovski Executive Education Program. Macedonia2025 sincerely appreciates their dedication and commitment to elevating the development of the future 100 business leaders in the country. By supporting the business leaders’ growth, we hope they become progressive members of Macedonian society and contribute to building a stronger nation.
The Zafirovski Executive Education Program offers three (3) scholarships in 2023 for the Executive Development Program (EDP). Note: the posts are open only for the blended program which combines online and on-site training.
Kellogg Executive Development Program (EDP) trains high-performing managers to become successful leaders. They can learn what it takes to guide organizations through uncertainty and disruption, from general management fundamentals to topics at the forefront of modern strategy. Kellogg EDP provides the most comprehensive general management overview. It’s a unique balance of business school essentials and emerging topics—from digital transformation to design thinking. The curriculum extends beyond the fundamentals to prepare future leaders for the challenges ahead. This intensive program focuses on a highly immersive and supportive learning environment that emphasizes the foundational business skills needed by general managers to understand and lead the workforce in which the business operates, the key functional areas of management, the development, and implementation of corporate and business strategy, and the promotion of organizational learning. With a finger on the pulse of business, Kellogg ensures the curriculum keeps pace with the ever-evolving challenges and complexity of executive leadership.
Program details:
• The program consists of a blend of live virtual and in-person delivery sessions of the Kellogg Executive Development Program (EDP) delivered by the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA;
• Rigorous & interactive curriculum (In-person capstone week; distinctive workshop integrating design and business thinking to create an actionable plan; delivered across two months to suit the busy executive’s schedule; modular in design; each week aligns with a core theme; digital-first collaboration and group work tools; managed by a dedicated Virtual Delivery Support Team);
• Each participant contributes a fee of $8,500 USD, which includes lodging and most meals;
• The total value of the program is approx. $33,550 per participant (blended experience);
• Additionally, each participant covers his/her transport cost and visa requirements.
The program additionally offers: Comprehensive Leadership Accelerator Opportunities: mentoring, networking, experiential learning, recognition, and benefits via Kellogg Alumni Status, as well as ongoing support.
Macedonia2025 requirement:
Each participant should: i) prepare and present an individual capstone project for a specific business/challenge in Macedonia and ii) actively contribute to the preparation and presentation of a group capstone project for the betterment of the Macedonia2025 program/activity of choice.
Target participants:
• High-performing mid-level to senior management executives on a path to becoming general managers;
• 10+ years of professional experience;
• Functional senior leaders who must interface with other functional areas outside of their expertise;
• Principals of small and medium-sized firms, and entrepreneurs or owners of small companies with growth potential.
• All candidates should have budget responsibilities and be able to contribute to discussions.
Additional requirements:
• Candidates must be fully supported by the existing employer.
• Strong English reading, listening and speaking skills are required.
• Written recommendations by Macedonian Zafirovski Fellows are strongly encouraged and will be considered. Please see a list of our Zafirovski Fellows HERE
• We strongly encourage female candidates to apply!
Optional Item: Leadership Coaching Package at a price of $ 3,000
Leadership coaching is provided for those who want to maximize their impact as a leader. You’ll work one-on-one with a Kellogg leadership coach to set personal goals and explore situation-specific leadership strategies. On-site coaching sessions occur during the early mornings, lunchtimes or evenings.
The 2023 Executive Education Programs – The Blended Experience Scheduled Dates
A blend of live virtual and in-person delivery sessions from May 1 – June 16, 2023Live Virtual Zoom Half-Days (May 1-5: Faculty Sessions (Required); May 15-19: Faculty Sessions (Required)) In-Person Full Days (June 3-16: Faculty Sessions (Required) at Evanston Campus, Illinois, USA)
Please visit the EDP’s official website HERE or the program’s brochure HERE for more information.
Three scholarships are available for 2023 (open posts for the blended program only)
To see written/video testimonials from Zafirovski Fellows, clickHERE.
How to apply?
In order to apply, you will need to fill-in the APPLICATIONASSESSMENT FORM, and attach the required documents within. At the end of the process, you should have submitted:
• Administrative pre-selection of the applications is done by Macedonia2025;
• During the review process, candidates may be asked to submit additional documents;
• Pre-selection of potential candidates is done by an expert commission by 15 March 2023;
• Final selection will follow after a personal interview with Mike Zafirovski;
• Notifying all selected candidates by end of March/beginning of April 2023.
Important Note
The Call is only open to Macedonian executives and managers of companies located in Macedonia, who plan to develop their professional careers in the Republic of Macedonia and contribute to the economic development of the country.
Scholarship recipients of Macedonia2025 education programs in the previous three years are not qualified to apply. Please note that priority will be given to applicants from companies whose employees have not been previous scholarship recipients of this program.
The Open Call for Kellogg EDP closes on March 10tt, 2023.
What a journey it has been to be part of the Executive Development Program 2022 at Kellogg School of Management – Northwestern University. Being a scholarship recipient of the prestigious “Zafirovski Executive Development Program” within Macedonia 2025, the privilege is even bigger, because Kellogg is ranked in the top three Schools of Management in the United States of America for 2022!
The EDP surpassed all my expectations. As a many years’ corporate professional in various managerial positions, I was looking for a program that would help me further enhance my leadership and managerial skills and prepare me for the next level of my career.
The curriculum was challenging, but the top-class faculty members were engaging and provided a variety of knowledge and insights. I was able to learn from their practical and industry experiences and apply the lessons learned to my own professional development.
What I appreciated most about the program was the accent on practical application. The program provided numerous opportunities to practice new business skills and apply what we learned to real-world scenarios. This approach helped me to build confidence in my abilities and become a more effective leader. But what is more important is that the Kellogg faculties taught us value-based leadership and the ability for self-reflection because leadership is a journey requiring constant improvement as a key takeaway. With this, we learned how to unlock a new customer’s values more easily in the demanding digital environment.
As a supplement to the academic curriculum, the program offered various opportunities for networking and collaboration with other executives coming from large international companies and various countries worldwide. I am more than confident that this cohort will make a positive contribution as well to my continued growth and development as a leader in general.
Overall, I highly recommend the Executive Development Program to anyone who is looking to enhance their leadership skills and advance their career. The program provided me with the means and knowledge I needed to be a more effective and successful leader.
Finally, I am extremely grateful to Macedonia 2025, its executive team, and especially to Mr. Mike Zafirovski for the opportunity to acquire this priceless experience.
Participant: Vladimir Nikolikj, Ph.D., MBA, General Manager, University Professor Company: Lycamobile, EU, UKIM
167 children from the Ohrid region will be able to receive a 3-month training in coding and develop digital skills required for 21st-century professions, thanks to the newly established partnerships by Macedonia2025 and Kasarna Hub Ohrid. As a result, these children will be empowered to become the next generation of leaders in their respective fields.
Kasarna Hub Ohrid is a technology hub aimed at advancing technological progress in Ohrid and North Macedonia as a whole. Previously, there were no opportunities for the youth in the Ohrid area to learn or enhance their digital skills. However, Kasarna Hub decided to offer programming courses for children free of charge. Initially, they planned to train only 30 children with the budget they had secured. To their pleasant surprise, 167 children signed up on the first day of the open call, and another 70 signed up in the following days and are currently on the reserve list. These children come from all elementary schools in Ohrid, as well as elementary schools in Debrca and the lakeside villages.
Macedonia2025 believes that this project proposal is highly in line with our cause and campaign’s goal to support the next digitally skilled nation. With over 160 children to be trained through this project, we believe that they will make a significant impact in the area.
Information about the courses
The overall goal of the course is to contribute to building a new generation of IT professionals at a young age while teaching them to properly use the digital tools at their fingertips. On the one hand, they will be prepared for a well-paid job, on the other, through programming, they will learn to solve problems, be creative, research, and collaborate.
Target group: 9-15 years
Programming courses (Scratch, Python, C++, MS Office – basic and advanced level, WordPress and Google Apps) The courses last 3 months, twice a week for 90 minutes.
The initiative is made possible through the project Roads Not Taken: Municipality of Ohrid Going Green, Smart, Innovative (OHRID GO), funded by the European Union. The project is implemented by the Municipality of Ohrid and Stellar Solutions Skopje.
More information about Kasarna Hub
Located in the beautiful, but neglected area of the old military barracks in Ohrid, they want to re-invent this part of the city by supporting and working with startups, scale-ups, corporations, the local government and the wider ecosystem to drive emerging tech innovation for positive impact. Kasarna Hub is established and operated as part of the project Ohrid Go, co-financed by the European Union, and implemented by the Municipality of Ohrid and Stellar Solutions. Learn more http://kasarna.net/
We are wishing all young participants success in mastering the courses.