Call for applications closed on: April 14, 2023, 23:59
Do you need practical knowledge to improve your business?
Do you have a business idea, but you don’t know if you are on the right path?
Learn all the steps for starting and running a successful business. Apply for the Business and Entrepreneurship Development Training – the LEADER Project.
Macedonia2025 announces an Open Call for the Business and Entrepreneurship Development Training: the LEADER Project, which will be held for the 15th time on May 8-19, 2023 in Skopje. The LEADER Project is implemented in cooperation with the Ivey Business School – Western University, which has been successfully implementing the program since 1991. This program is a ten-day Management and Business Administration (MBA) training that encourages and supports Macedonian entrepreneurs, young managers and professionals to develop local, regional or international business solutions that will create new opportunities for social and economic development.
Participants will have the opportunity to develop their business analytical skills and fully develop their business sense. In addition, participants will be able to work closely with the LEADER Project’ instructors to transform their ideas into actual businesses or to introduce innovation in the operations of their already existing businesses. No matter which group you belong to, the LEADER Project will help you get a step closer to achieving your goals!
Target Group
– Participants up to 35 years of age
– Entrepreneurs
– Business leaders
– Company owners
– Young professionals who want to turn their business idea into reality or to progress in their career
– Everyone interested in deepening their knowledge in the field of business and entrepreneurship.
– Excellent knowledge of the English language
– Solid presentation and communication skills
– Having an innovative business idea or a business with growth potential
– Curiosity for knowledge and desire to advance one’s business idea or existing business
– Strong drive for professional growth
– Possibility for attendance each working day for four hours during the two-week training.
Key Benefits:
– You will learn the skills and tools needed to properly run a business through the interactive “case study” learning method
– You will gain valuable knowledge and skills for each stage of business development related to strategy, finance, marketing, promotion, sales and growth
– You will be able to identify the biggest obstacles to running your business, in collaboration with the instructors
– Candidates have access to individual mentoring sessions with one of the instructors or mentors provided by Macedonia2025.
The lectures are prepared and delivered by highly qualified instructors and mentors from the Ivey Business School – Western University in Canada.
Program Delivery Module
The Program is planned to be delivered in-person.
The Program will consist of ten (10) four-hour sessions. Each session includes one (1) case study, one (1) lecture, and one (1) hour of entrepreneurial coaching.
Date and Location:
This year the LEADER project will take place from May 8-19, 2023.
The LEADER project lectures will take place every working day (4 hours per day) in Skopje. The exact location will be announced in due time.
Selected participants will be additionally informed on the training venue.
In order to apply, you need will need to fill-in the Application Form, and attach the required documents within. At the end of the process, you should have submitted:
– Completed application;
– CV in English (Europass or similar format)
– Descriptive short biography of up to 200 words in English
– High resolution photo
Selection Process:
– Administrative pre-selection of the applications is done by Macedonia2025
– During the review process, candidates may be asked to submit additional documents or attend a short interview;
– Selection of successful candidates by expert commission by 18 April 2023;
– Notifying all selected candidates by 20 April 2023;
– Sending the required materials for participation latest by 25 April 2023.
Participant’s fee:
The LEADER Project, a ten-day Management and Business Administration (MBA) training is worth 500 Eur per participant.
Participants’ co-participation fee is foreseen in the net amount of 60 EUR (taxes apply), whereas Macedonia2025 covers the remaining part.
Important Notice: Certificates will be awarded only to the participants who attend a minimum of eight days of training.
Depending on the quality of the applications received, the number of scholarships may vary from the one in previous years.
As our beneficiaries, you are expected to be involved in some of Macedonia2025’s programs and activities in the future.
After a certain period of the program completion, beneficiaries are also required to complete a survey on the impact of the training on their business or in the development of their business idea.
We look forward to receiving your applications!
Application Deadline: April 14, 2023, 23:59