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Day 6 Recap: Unforgettable Moments and Celebrating Success at Ohrid HiTech Excellence Camp!

What an incredible day it has been at the Ohrid High-Tech Excellence Camp! Our participants delved even deeper into the world of robotics, engaging in enriching sessions by Robotic Innovation Academy. Their critical thinking and project management skills were on full display as they embraced challenges and honed their technical expertise. The excitement reached its peak as students experienced their first Lego league simulation competition – a truly thrilling moment for all!

As the camp neared its end, friendships blossomed, and bonds grew stronger. The participants shared moments of joy and camaraderie that will undoubtedly last a lifetime.

The pinnacle of the day was the certificate awarding ceremony, held in the beautiful Villa Biljana in Ohrid. It was an honor to have the esteemed presence of President Stevo Pendarovski, whose inspiring words and encouragement motivated the young leaders. Macedonia2025 Chair of the Board of Directors, Michael Chklamovski shared his personal story of immense motivation towards his parent’s homeland, fueling the participants’ determination to contribute to society, give back and use their knowledge for the betterment of Macedonia. 

Check the ambient during the Certificate Award Ceremony on the following link: Со годинашните учесници на „Охрид камп за високо-технолошка…

Congratulations to all the participants on their well-deserved certificates of achievement!

As we conclude this extraordinary journey, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to President Stevo Pendarovski for his invaluable support and vision. Together, we will continue fostering an environment that celebrates young talent and leads to a brighter and technologically advanced future for Macedonia.

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Day 5 Recap – Adventure and Learning at Ohrid High-Tech Excellence Camp!

Day 5 brought a wave of excitement to the Ohrid High-Tech Excellence Camp! Our participants started their day with a refreshing boat trip to St. Kaneo, setting the tone for an adventurous day ahead.

Next up, they engaged in captivating robotics sessions with Robotic Academy. Through these sessions, students delved into the basic principles of robotics, mastering construction and programming techniques. An exciting challenge awaited our participants as they had the opportunity to build their own robots and program them for a competition. The thrill of completing missions within a given time frame added a competitive edge to their learning experience.

Amidst all the learning, the participants had a blast at the beach and swimming pool, making the most of the hot summer weather. These moments provided valuable networking opportunities and a chance to unwind and have summer fun together.

To round off the day, a special session on cybersecurity raised awareness about using technologies safely and responsibly. This informative session’s key focus was enhancing their consciousness and understanding of the importance of cybersecurity for children.

Today, we extend our heartfelt thanks to Bar and Breakfast (ForestBar), Fruktal, and Vincinni, who kept us sweet and flavored throughout the day.

Be sure to check out the breathtaking pictures from today’s activities, capturing the joy and enthusiasm of our participants at the #OhridHighTechCamp! Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to make unforgettable memories on this remarkable journey of learning and exploration. 

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Day 4 Recap – Creativity, Innovation, and Fun Sightseeing at Ohrid High-Tech Excellence Camp!

Day 4 at the Ohrid High-Tech Excellence Camp kicked off with an exciting opportunity for some of our participants to speak about the camp on Macedonian national TV. It was a fantastic way to start the day, and the energy only escalated from there!

Throughout the day, our participants immersed themselves in a whirlwind of creativity, innovation, and excitement. The sessions with Young Engineers and Brainster proved to be nothing short of exhilarating, as they delved deeper into the captivating worlds of programming, robotics and design thinking. With boundless enthusiasm, they embraced the challenge of creating incredible projects, using Fable or WE DO 2.0 technology to solve problems related to renewables and sustainable energy. These hands-on experiences left them inspired and passionate about future endeavors in engineering and technology.

Amidst the intensive sessions, our participants had the chance to embark on a picturesque sightseeing tour of the stunning Ohrid. Exploring the rich history and cultural heritage of this enchanting city added a special touch to their camp experience. It warmed our hearts to witness them cherishing their parents’ homeland and forming a deeper connection with their roots during this educational and unforgettable journey.

The perfect blend of learning, fun, and cultural exploration made Day 4 a truly remarkable and cherished moment for everyone involved!

Today, we express our deepest gratitude to four of our corporate partners, Alkaloid, Triglav osiguruvanje, and ItLabs, whose invaluable support has allowed us to focus on ensuring an enriching and safe environment for our bright minds.

As always, we invite you to take a glimpse at the fantastic pictures from today’s activities, showcasing the incredible energy and achievements of our participants at the #OhridHighTechCamp. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to inspire and empower the next generation of innovators! 

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Day 3 Recap: Ohrid High-Tech Excellence Camp Continues to Thrive!

Day 3 at the Ohrid High-Tech Excellence Camp proved to be yet another productive and enriching experience for our participants! One of the highlights was the visit to factory Kostal Macedonia, where they gained invaluable insights into the automotive industry. Witnessing how robots are utilized in production was an eye-opening and educational experience. Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to Kostal for providing this enlightening opportunity.

The day continued with more engaging sessions, including a fun-filled one with Young Engineers. Participants had a blast creating parking systems and windmill turbines, exploring the world of robotics in an interactive manner. Furthermore, we were delighted to introduce our new program partner, Brainster, who conducted a session focused on creativity and basic programming using FABLE components.

Amidst all the learning and innovation, the participants also enjoyed some fun beach activities, adding a touch of relaxation to their busy day. And to top it off, we had a delightful early evening session crafting the famous Macedonian earrings, celebrating our local culture and traditions.

We invite you to check out the pictures that capture the highlights of this incredible day at the #OhridHighTechCamp! Stay tuned for more exciting updates and experiences as the camp continues to unfold.

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Day 2 Recap: Ohrid High-Tech Excellence Camp – A Day of Learning and Innovation!

The Ohrid High-Tech Excellence Camp continued to be a hub of learning and creativity on Day 2! Our participants immersed themselves in three captivating robotics sessions, led by the talented team from Young Engineers. Through these sessions, they honed their skills and unleashed their creativity, all while delving into the fascinating world of robotics.

Working in teams with LEGO® robotic sets, they explored the concepts of Light Bricks, Functions, and Parameters. The challenges set by the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) added a meaningful dimension to the activities. By collaborating on these challenges, our participants not only developed their problem-solving abilities but also learned the value of perseverance and teamwork. One SDG that held particular significance during these sessions was Goal 7, focusing on ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all. As the next generation of leaders and innovators, our participants are being empowered to tackle the world’s most pressing issues.

The afternoon brought even more excitement, with team-building exercises, beach activities, and a movie screening to keep the energy high.

A heartfelt expression of gratitude goes out to the US Embassy in Skopje for their unwavering support and collaboration. Together, we are leaving a lasting impact on these brilliant young minds, empowering them to shape a promising future.

Stay tuned for some captivating pictures, showcasing the enthusiasm and achievements of our participants at the #OhridHighTechCamp!

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Day 1 Recap: Ohrid High-Tech Excellence Camp Unleashes a Spectacular Start!

The third Ohrid High-Tech Excellence Camp kicked off with a bang! Our journey began in Skopje and led us to the stunning Hotel Aqualina in Ohrid. Welcoming the 25 participants hailing from the US, Slovenia, Croatia, Cyprus, and our homeland was Nena Manchev, the Leadership and Education Program Manager of Macedonia2025.

As the day unfolded, the participants delved into engaging sessions, delivered by one of our programs partners iSource Ltd, which allowed them to get to know each other and build connections with one another. It set the perfect tone for what was to come.

Adding to the excitement, the participants enjoyed thrilling beach activities, making the day even more memorable. And to culminate this fantastic start, we were treated to an amazing concert at the St. Sofia Church, a part of the Ohrid Summer Festival. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Ohrid Summer Festival for delivering an absolutely amazing performance!

With energy and enthusiasm at an all-time high, we can’t wait for the incredible experiences that await us during the rest of the #OhridHighTechCamp! Stay tuned for more updates!

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Macedonia2025 signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with “ARNO” for the competition “GREEN IDEAS 2021”, through its participation in the jury, as well as awards for the winners of the competition.

On April 7, 2021, was held the promotional event for the competition “GREEN IDEAS 2021”, organized by the association for social innovation “ARNO”. Nikica M. addressed the event. Blazevski, Chief Executive Officer of Macedonia 2025, as a representative of the partner organization of the competition.

We look forward to great cooperation!

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Vienna Economic Forum organizes several conferences throughout the year in order to promote its aims. The annual Vienna Economic Forum – Vienna Future Dialogue takes place each November in Vienna. The 16th Vienna Economic Forum – Vienna Future Dialogue 2019: “From Planned Economy to Market Economy – 30 years after the Fall of the Iron Curtain” took place on 18 November at Novomatic Forum. The diverse audience featured high-ranking decision makers from the areas of economy and politics from 34 countries in the region, Europe and worldwide.

We proudly announce that as part of the event program, the Chief Executive Officer of Macedonia2025, Prof. Dr. Nikica Mojsoska Blazhevski and the Secretary General of Vienna Economic Forum, Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva had the honour and pleasure to formally establish an official partnership between Macedonia2025 and the Vienna Economic Forum by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)expressing a convergence of the will of the two parties to establish cooperation and good relations, in order to support the economic development for the members of both organisations and the activities of both sides.

Founding Members of Vienna Economic Forum are, next to Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, some of the most reputable companies and entrepreneurs in Austria. The Committee of Patrons of Vienna Economic Forum consists of the Prime Ministers from all the states from the region plus the Austrian Federal Chancellor. Next to that, the Ambassadors of the Western Balkan countries are taking part in the work of Vienna Economic Forum as Honorary Members of the Ambassadors Committee.

Vienna Economic Forum promotes economic cooperation between the countries and territories from the Adriatic to the Black Sea, namely in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Slovenia, Turkey and Ukraine from its headquarters in Vienna.

The official program of the Vienna Economic Forum can be found here.

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Никица Мојсоска Блажевски, Главен извршен директор на Македонија2025 и Претседателот на КОП – Комора на органски производителиДраги Цветковиќ, денеска потпишаа Меморандум за соработка.

Основната цел на воспоставување на соработка помеѓу Комората на органски производители и Македонија 2025 е зацврстување на врските помеѓу македонската бизнис заедница и македонската бизнис дијаспора. Преку активности од заеднички интерес соработката ќе биде насочена кон остварување подобри перформанси на македонските фирми, што во крајна линија ќе придонесе за забрзување на растот на македонската економија и развој на македонското општество.