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Nadica Vanova Nakjinova – The promotional campaign “Science for the Future”

Let’s inspire more pupils to love SCIENCE!

Embarking on a mission to ignite a passion for science in the hearts of young minds, our groundbreaking promotional campaign, “Science for the Future,” proudly showcases Nadica Vanova Nakjinova, an exceptional Senior Researcher at Alkaloid AD’s Institute of Research and Development. Join us as we delve into the inspiring journey of Nadica, whose path, deeply rooted in a legacy of healthcare, exemplifies dedication, innovation, and the relentless pursuit of scientific excellence.

Who is she?

Nadica Vanova Nakjinova, a Master of Pharmacy and Senior Researcher at Alkaloid AD’s Institute of Research and Development works in the department for value-added medicines development. As a formulation scientist, her primary focus is on addressing the complex challenges of formulation and process development for value-added medicines. She and her team are dedicated to rethinking, reinventing, and optimizing medications based on established molecules. Their goal is to innovate in ways that improve human health, meet patients’ unmet needs, and ultimately enhance their quality of life.

Her Journey and Success Story
Nadica was born and raised in Veles, where she completed her primary and secondary education. Her lifelong fascination with biology, medicine, and chemistry, influenced by many doctors and pharmacists in her family, naturally led her to a career in pharmaceutical research. Their dedication to improving human health inspired her passion for this field.

Nadica Vanova Nakjinova’s journey in pharmacy began in 2010 at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Pharmacy, where she graduated with a Master of Pharmacy in 2015 and was honored with the “Foundation Trajche Mukaetov” scholarship, recognizing her as one of the top students. In her current role, she spends long hours in the laboratory, engages in extensive reading, brainstorms with her team, applies critical thinking, and continuously advances in the field. The problem-based learning approach at the pharmaceutical faculty instilled in her a commitment to lifelong learning, which has been crucial to her success.

During her studies, she developed a keen interest in pharmaceutical technology. Her master’s thesis focused on micro-encapsulation through spray-drying of probiotics to enhance their viability. This research was conducted at the faculty’s Center for Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology, where she had the privilege of working with an inspiring PhD candidate and mentor. Later, she became a PhD candidate at the same institute, conducting her research and having the opportunity to publish her work.

Although her current PhD research is in the emerging field of nanotechnology—specifically, developing dual drug-loaded lipid-polymer hybrid nanoparticles—and differs from her daily work, it has taught her the importance of discipline, work ethic, resilience, and a courageous spirit. Science has slowly become part of her DNA—a way of thinking and living.

Professional Achievements from junior researcher to team lead at Alkaloid AD Skopje

“I joined the Institute of Research and Development at Alkaloid AD Skopje in 2015, shortly after graduating. Starting as a junior researcher and progressing to a team lead role, I have tackled numerous challenging projects, being part of their development, transfer and scale-up to industrial scale as well as their marketing authorization approval processes.

I am particularly proud to be named as an inventor in three international patent applications submitted under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) for different formulation dosage forms during my nearly nine-year tenure at Alkaloid AD Skopje. This achievement represents a significant milestone in my career and has also introduced a new perspective within the company.

The dynamic work environment at Alkaloid AD Skopje has enabled me to excel in various processing techniques essential for developing new formulations of solid, liquid, and semi-solid dosage forms. I was fortunate to have mentors who generously shared their knowledge during my early days at the company.

Although the formulations our team works on are based on known molecules, they are not fully generic. We leverage the active ingredient’s chemistry to create unique and innovative formulations.

Our institute at Alkaloid AD Skopje is a regional leader, fostering a supportive team environment that encourages young scientists to learn and realize their potential. We have in our institute and also collaborate with some of the greatest researchers in Macedonia, and I am grateful for the opportunities and support that have fueled my passion for science. I am motivated to see how the scientific journey unfolds for the younger generation.”

Giving back to the Homeland

At Alkaloid AD Skopje, there is a strong dedication to contributing to the homeland’s development in every possible way. The company has organized numerous donations, scholarships, internship programs, and motivational campaigns, with plans to continue evolving these efforts to meet future needs. Nadica Vanova Nakjinova chose to build her career in her homeland, believing that with the right discipline and mindset, great achievements and an enhanced quality of life can be realized locally.

Inspirational Message

Her inspirational quote/personal message to all primary school students is to motivate them to choose a science-related career/education: “We build on the work of those before us and owe it to those who are yet to come. Our mission is to advance the knowledge passed to us and inspire new generations to do the same. Our scientific contribution can transform local communities and should serve as a beacon of hope and innovation for the new generations, paving the way for a brighter future here in our homeland.”

The Power of Knowledge

In a world full of possibilities, the gift of knowledge is the most valuable treasure we can bestow upon the next generation. By joining this initiative, you become a beacon of inspiration for those who will carry the torch of science forward.

Let’s work together to inspire, empower, and educate. Let’s ignite the passion for science in the hearts of primary school pupils. Your words could be the spark that lights the fire of curiosity and excellence.

Share your favorite motivational quote and/or a short success story that highlights your journey as a scientist, on the following LINK

Join us in shaping the future of science and the young scientists who will define it. Together, we can make a difference.

Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey!

The campaign is implemented as part of Johnson Matthey’s Community Impact Program “Science and Me” 

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Semial Sinani – The promotional campaign “Science for the Future”

Let’s inspire more pupils to love SCIENCE!

Embarking on a mission to spark a passion for science among young minds, our promotional campaign, “Science for the Future,” proudly features Semial Sinani, a dedicated teacher of biology and natural science at the primary school “Emin Duraku” in village Buković. Semial Sinani’s enthusiasm for teaching is more than just a profession; it is a calling to inspire curiosity and a thirst for knowledge in her students.

She shared her life philosophy with us, stating: “From early childhood, we are naturally curious about the world around us. Every day, we encounter new changes and ask ourselves and others, ‘How is this possible?’ In our search for answers, researchers, thinkers, philosophers, and scientists have immeasurably influenced the world. Their medical breakthroughs, scientific discoveries, physical laws, and mathematical principles have brought order, coherence, and clarity to what once seemed a random, indistinguishable, lawless world. Let us sail together in the endless ocean of knowledge, reason, and truth.”

Through the “Science for the Future” campaign, we aim to celebrate educators/teachers like Semial Sinani, who light the spark of curiosity and foster a lifelong love for learning in their students. Let us work together to inspire more pupils to embrace science, fostering a generation of inquisitive minds ready to tackle the challenges of tomorrow.

Her message to all primary school students is profoundly motivational: “Look for the truth in the facts”. These reflective words serve not only as a message but as a symbol of encouragement, beckoning the next generation to embrace the wonders of science. They inspire students to join the pursuit of a future rich in scientific exploration and discovery, highlighting the vital role science plays in understanding and improving our world.

The Power of Knowledge

In a world full of possibilities, the gift of knowledge is the most valuable treasure we can bestow upon the next generation. By joining this initiative, you become a beacon of inspiration for those who will carry the torch of science forward.

Let’s work together to inspire, empower, and educate. Let’s ignite the passion for science in the hearts of primary school pupils. Your words could be the spark that lights the fire of curiosity and excellence.

Share your favorite motivational quote and/or a short success story that highlights your journey as a scientist, on the following LINK

Join us in shaping the future of science and the young scientists who will define it. Together, we can make a difference.

Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey!

More about the “Science and Me” project

The campaign is implemented as part of Johnson Matthey’s Community Impact Program “Science and Me” 

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Проф. Ружица Петрушевска-Николовска – промотивна кампања „НАУКА ЗА ИДНИНАТА“

Ајде да инспирираме повеќе ученици да ја засакаат НАУКАТА!

Со особено задоволство, во серијалот мотивациски приказни, ви претставуваме уште една млада и амбициозна професорка – проф. Ружица Петрушевска – Николовска, наставник по биологија и природни науки во ООУ „Блаже Конески“ во Велес.

Во продолжение ви нудиме инспиративната мотивациска приказна на посветена професорка по природни науки, која од млада возраст била фасциниран од чудата на природата. Од љубопитно дете кое ги истражувало екосистемите и хемиските реакции до награден наставник од Општина Велес за 2024 година, откријте го патувањето на жената која својата страст за науката ја претвори во животна мисија – да ја разбуди љубовта кон науката кај своите ученици, поттикнувајќи ги да истражуваат, откриваат и иновираат. Споделувајќи ја својата животна приказна ентузијастички нагласи: „Јас сум посветен професор по природни науки, воден од доживотна страст за разбирање на сложеноста на природниот свет. Уште од рана возраст ме плени елеганцијата на екосистемите, сложеноста на хемиските реакции и чудата на физичките феномени. Моето патување да станам професор по природни науки започна кога бев само дете. Од млада возраст, секогаш бев љубопитна за светот околу мене. Сакав да истражувам на отворено, да собирам камења, да проучувам растенија и да гледам животни. Мојата фасцинација со природата стануваше посилна како што научив повеќе за неа на училиште.

Оваа длабоко вкоренета љубопитност природно ме наведе да продолжам кариера во природните науки. Мојата одлука да станам професор беше мотивирана од желбата да ја разгорам истата страст за откривање кај другите. Верувам дека образованието е камен-темелник на напредокот и преку наставата можам да ја поттикнам следната генерација научници да истражуваат, да иновираат и да ги решаваат итните предизвици со кои се соочува нашата планета. Наставата ми овозможува да ги инспирирам младите умови, исто како што ме инспирираа моите наставници. Како професор, можам да им помогнам на учениците да ги откријат чудата на природниот свет и да ги водам додека истражуваат и учат. Мојата цел е да ја разгорам нивната љубопитност и страст за науката, за да можат да направат свои откритија и можеби дури и да станат идни научници.

Ваквата посветеност во наставата беше наградена со признанието „Најдобар наставник по предметна настава за 2024 година во Општина Велес.„

Нашата кампања „Наука за иднината„ има за цел да ги мотивира и поттикне учениците од основното образование кон патот за да станат научници кои се во развој или се двоумат. Во таа насока, пораката на Ружица до учениците е: „Секое дете се раѓа како научник со вродена љубопитност и желба за истражување. Наша мисија како наставници по природни науки е да ја насочиме љубопитноста и да го канализираме истражувањето на учениците кон откривање на тајните на природата и природните закони“.

Моќта на знаењето

Во свет полн со можности, дарот на знаење е највредното богатство што можеме да го подариме на следната генерација. Со приклучувањето кон оваа иницијатива, вие станувате светилник на инспирација за оние кои ќе го носат факелот на науката напред.

Ајде да работиме заедно за да инспирираме, поттикнеме и едуцираме. Да ја разгориме страста за наука во срцата на основците. Вашите зборови би можеле да бидат искрата што го пали огнот на љубопитноста и извонредноста.

Придружете ни се во обликувањето на иднината на науката и младите научници кои ќе ја дефинираат. Заедно, можеме да направиме разлика.

Споделете го и Вие вашиот мотивациски цитат и кратка успешна приказна што го истакнува вашето патување како научник и прикачете ги на посебната форма која се наоѓа на следниот ЛИНК  

Повеќе за промотивната кампања „НАУКА ЗА ИДНИНАТА“

Ви благодариме што сте дел од ова неверојатно патување!Кампањата е имплементирана во рамки на Johnson Matthey Програмата за влијание на заедницата „Науката и јас“.  Повеќе за проектот „Науката и јас“ 

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Atanas Bliznakoff Scholarships – Celebrating Excellence at the MK2025 Summit

Skopje, May 16th, 2024

Join us as we honor the brightest minds at the Atanas Bliznakoff Certificates of Excellence Awarding Ceremony on the second day of the Macedonia2025 Summit.

The Atanas Bliznakoff Foundations in the US, the Atanas Bliznakoff Foundations within the University “St. Cyril and Methodius” Skopje, and the Foundation MK2025 take immense pride in presenting these certificates to selected scholarship beneficiaries for their unwavering dedication to academic excellence. These Certificates were awarded to students who have demonstrated extraordinary commitment and perseverance, maintaining a remarkable Grade Point Average (GPA) of 9.5 or higher for three consecutive years.

Out of the 74 scholars completing their third year of studies, we are proud to present our 13 top achievers:

  • Jovan Bozhinovski – Iustinianus Primus Law Faculty
  • Kliment Sinikoski – Faculty of Economics
  • Ana Sofronievska – Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies
  • Mihail Stojkoski – Faculty of Medicine
  • Anastasija Uzunska – Faculty of Pedagogy “St. Kliment Ohridski”
  • Jovana Stojcheska – Faculty of Pharmacy
  • Aleksandra Isajlovska – Faculty of Philosophy
  • Mihaela Lazarovska – Faculty of Philosophy
  • Tijana Toshevska – Faculty of Philosophy
  • Petar Petreski – FINKI – Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering
  • Lucija Tonkovikj – FINKI – Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering
  • Mila Gjorgjevska – Hans Em Faculty of Forest Sciences, Landscape Architecture and Environmental Engineering
  • Sofija Jovanovikj – Iustinianus Primus Law Faculty

Through their dedicated work, passion for learning, and relentless pursuit of knowledge, these students have distinguished themselves as exemplary scholars. Their exceptional academic performance not only reflects their commitment but also contributes to the advancement of education and the betterment of society as a whole.

We trust that they will continue to shine as beacons of inspiration to their peers, institutions, and the community at large. May this recognition serve as a source of pride and motivation as they continue their educational and professional journeys. Their accomplishments today symbolize the great things they will achieve in the future, and we eagerly anticipate their continued success.

On the same day, the ABF scholars had an annual gathering with Sophie and Mitre Kutanovski, representing the Atanas Bliznakoff Foundations in the US, Rector of the University “St. Cyril and Methodius” Skopje Biljana Angelova, and Nena Manchev, Macedonia2025 Program Manager for Leadership and Education Program.

Let’s applaud their hard work and achievements as they continue to set standards of excellence.

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2024 June Zafirovski Fellows: A Journey of Leadership Excellence at Kellogg School of Management

We are thrilled to announce that Vojdan, Nikola, and Marko have been selected as the new Zafirovski Fellows. They will be attending the prestigious Executive Development Program at Northwestern University – Kellogg School of Management from June 2-21, 2024.

This in-person program, held at the renowned Allen Center on the Evanston Campus, promises to be an enriching and transformative experience for our fellows. It is designed to hone their leadership skills and expand their strategic vision, preparing them to drive positive change and innovation in their respective fields. We look forward to sharing more updates as they embark on this exciting journey, including details about our upcoming October 2024 cohort.

With the addition of Vojdan, Nikola, and Marko, the number of Zafirovski Fellows has now increased to 45. This growing community of leaders is making a significant impact on Macedonian society and economy, driving advancements and fostering sustainable growth across various sectors and industries.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Mike Zafirovski and his family for their unwavering support and commitment. Their dedication to elevating leadership excellence and fostering the next generation of leaders in Macedonia is truly inspiring. This fellowship is a testament to their vision and generosity, and we are confident that Vojdan, Nikola, and Marko will carry forward this legacy with pride and distinction. Best of luck to our fellows as they take on this incredible opportunity!

Learn more about the program:…/

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Katerina Jancevska – The promotional campaign “Science for the Future”

Let’s inspire more pupils to love SCIENCE!

Embarking on a mission to provoke a passion for science among young minds, our promotional campaign, “Science for the Future,” proudly presents Katerina Jancevska, a team leader at Alkaloid AD Skopje’s Institute of Research and Development.

She shares her inspiring journey from Resen to becoming a leading figure in pharmaceutical research. Jancevska’s story highlights her commitment to professional growth and dedication to contributing to her homeland’s thriving pharmaceutical industry.


Hello! My name is Katerina Jancevska, and I am a researcher and team leader at the Institute of Research and Development at Alkaloid AD Skopje. As a member of the Scientific Excellence team, I have the opportunity to work on some of the most intriguing scientific projects related to human health and wellbeing. Here, I would like to briefly share my success story.

I was born in the small town of Resen, where I completed my primary and secondary education. Ever since then, chemistry and biology have captured my interest and slowly grown into a passion. The opportunity to learn about nature itself and, at the same time, create products such as medicine that can change lives was a deciding factor for me to choose to continue my education in the natural sciences, and later build a professional career in pharmaceutical research.

Success story

I started my education in natural sciences in 2008, earning a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. I graduated with summa cum laude honors and was recognized as the best graduate student of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Class of 2013. This part of my journey was formative in providing me with a broad education in natural sciences and particularly biochemistry.

Working in pharmaceutical research and development requires both broad knowledge and specialized expertise in several niche disciplines relevant to drug discovery and formulation. To meet these demands, I pursued postgraduate education with a master’s degree at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, specializing in High-Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled with Mass Spectrometry. My master’s studies were supported by a prestigious DAAD scholarship.

Beyond learning the details of the chromatographic spectrometric methods, which I now apply daily, I also served as a teaching assistant (demonstrator). This role allowed me to transfer knowledge to students across a spectrum of courses—from general chemistry to biochemistry. At the same time, this experience strengthened my skills as a communicator and team leader, attributes I consistently apply in my professional work at Alkaloid.

Almost simultaneously with finishing my master’s degree, I joined the Institute of Research and Development at Alkaloid AD Skopje. This defining moment marked the beginning of my professional career. I was fortunate to join a team of some of the brightest researchers in the country. The Institute is distinguished not only by its excellent science but also by its collegial and supportive coworkers. This environment facilitated a smooth transition from academia to the pharmaceutical industry.

My professional career began with the Preformulation team, responsible for evaluating the complex interactions of raw materials used in creating pharmaceuticals. This work is of paramount importance in ensuring safe and effective medicines. Initially, my work focused on applying the chromatographic spectrometric methods I learned during my graduate studies. However, at Alkaloid, continued professional growth is not only expected but strongly encouraged. Consequently, I began broadening my expertise in various areas, such as learning in-silico toxicology methods, among others.

Concurrent with my day-to-day work, I pursued doctorate studies at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, focusing on the study of elemental impurities in pharmaceuticals. This research discipline is extremely important for the work we do at Alkaloid, and for any pharmaceutical company. I completed my PhD in 2022, with published papers in internationally renowned and recognized journals. Today, I have broad expertise, which allows me to tackle various scientific challenges.

In addition to the professional growth, Alkaloid is a place where I experienced tremendous personal growth as a team leader. Throughout my transition from junior to senior scientist and team leader, I mastered various soft skills necessary for leading a team of excellent researchers tasked with solving some of the trickiest research problems.

I am currently working as part of the Scientific Excellence team, and the name of our team truly reflects our mission. Our role is to bring scientific excellence to every aspect of pharmaceutical product development, from evaluating the starting raw materials to ensuring a safe and effective final product.

It’s worth mentioning that my next step will be enrolling Specialist program: Toxicological Risk Assessment, as crucial part in my career path.

I must say that working for a company that invests in my future through meaningful opportunities is incredibly motivating.

In my decade-long journey with Alkaloid AD, I have found it deeply inspiring to contribute to solving problems and challenges that directly impact human health and well-being. Moreover, I consider myself fortunate to be part of a company that actively nurtures both personal and professional growth.

Giving Back to the Homeland

We should strive to contribute to our homeland in the best way possible. We live by this motto at the Scientific Excellence team, within the Institute of Research and Development, and across Alkaloid AD as a whole. Like those of many others in my team, my success story is a testament to young professionals who have chosen to remain in our homeland, contributing to the growth of a robust and globally recognized pharmaceutical industry.

Her inspirational quote/personal message to all primary school students to motivate them to choose a science-related career/education is: “Your homeland needs your passion, your energy, and your innovation. By investing in the place that shaped you, you help build a future where dreams are realized, and communities thrive.”

The Power of Knowledge

In a world full of possibilities, the gift of knowledge is the most valuable treasure we can bestow upon the next generation. By joining this initiative, you become a beacon of inspiration for those who will carry the torch of science forward.

Let’s work together to inspire, empower, and educate. Let’s ignite the passion for science in the hearts of primary school pupils. Your words could be the spark that lights the fire of curiosity and excellence.

Share your favorite motivational quote and/or a short success story that highlights your journey as a scientist, on the following LINK

Join us in shaping the future of science and the young scientists who will define it. Together, we can make a difference.

Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey!

More about the “Science and Me” project

The campaign is implemented as part of Johnson Matthey’s Community Impact Program “Science and Me”

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АРНО ги прогласи победниците од десеттото издание на натпреварот „Зелени идеи“

„АРНО“ ги прогласи победниците од десеттото издание на натпреварот „Зелени идеи“ кои продолжуваат со натпреварување на регионално ниво во септември во Сараево, БиХ. Жири комисијата на натпреварот, во категоријата зелени идеи ги избра идеите „ Урбана фарма во контејнер за производство на микрозелени со аеропонски систем на одгледување “ на Снежана Јаќовска -Интеллигент Индоор Фарм ДООЕЛ Скопје и „BIOHIDE – One SCOBY at a time “ на Ангелина Серафимовска од ЛеатхерандХиде , додека за ембрионска победничка идеја беше избрана идејата на Трајче Рушев „Mobi Stove, мобилен шпорет за готвење во природа “. Годинава, во победничките идеи доминира зелената димензија за зачувување на ресурсите и животната средина, и видливиот степен на иновација.

Жирито кое ги оценуваше пристигнатите апликации беше во состав на експертите: Марија Ѓошева-Ковачевиќ од „Земјоделски Институт – Скопје”, Бесиана Мустафа од Стопанска комора на Северо-Западна Македонија, Робертина Брајаноска од Македонско еколошко друштво (МЕД), Велимир Лав Илиќ од ФИТР, Сања Лазаревска од ASPIRE Аccelerator и Бојана Киселовски од „Македонија 2025“. За националните победници партнерите повторно обезбедија поддршка: бесплатна регистрација на платформата Connect2MK и менторски услуги од „Македонија 2025“, бесплатно двегодишно членство во Стопанска комора на Северо-западна Македонија. софтверски кредити од Амазон, во вредност од 5000 долари, во траење од 2 години доделни од Aspire Accelerator. И годинава, на трите национални победници, АРНО им додели промотивни пакети од еко садливи картички изработени од македонскиот зелени бизнис Визарт-поранешен победник на натпреварот.

„ Годинава малку бевме загрижени за содржината на апликациите кога ги читавме, но сите кои презентираа денес беа одлични- презентациите беа со добра естетика, со одличен тек, со лични приказни, самото жири беше изненадено. Ќе размислиме за следна година, за нов формат на апликацијата, изгледа досадно е веќе текстуален формулар. Тематски во 2024-та забележуваме доста силна зелена компонента, има некоја свест изградена повеќе. Секако, сите идеи имаа и социјална димензија и бизнис модел. Ние како организација сакаме да порачаме да се става акцент и на социјалното претприемништво, на работна интеграција, на локалната заедница. Толку малку луѓе останавме во земјата, што сите приказни се веќе лични, и тоа треба повеќе да се раскажува“ – изјави Ирина Јаневска од АРНО.

„Го започнуваме процесот на производство со култивирање комбуха, која произведува целулоза како природен нус-производ. Оваа целулоза потоа се преработува во материјал сличен на кожа, со истата луксузна текстура и сила како традиционалната кожа. Нашата био-кожа нуди одржливо решение за еколошките и етичките проблеми поврзани со традиционалното производство на кожа, со значително помал јаглероден отпечаток и без присуство на отпадна на вода.“- изјави Ангелина Серафимовска од ЛеатхерандХиде.

„Зголемувањето на побарувачката на храна и намалувањето на производството на земјоделски произведена храна, поради недостаток на обработлива земја, ги наведоа производителите да користат производство на земјоделски култури во затворени простории. Намалувањето на земјоделско производство главно се должи на намалување на плодно земјиште, неповолните климатски услови и ограничувањата на користење на природните ресурси. Одгледувањето на микрозелени и микробилки со аеропонски систем во контејнер е нов производ на македонскиот пазар“-изјави Снежана Јаќовска од Интелигент Индоор Фарм

„ Мобилниот шпорет Mobi Stove е наменет и дизајниран за готвење во природа. Како гориво користи отпадна биомаса, која се наоѓа секаде во природата. Тежок е само еден килограм и склоплив, што го прави многу едноставен и лесен за транспорт. Дизајнот дозволува и регулација на температурата, односно на оганот, со осум различни степени од најслаб до најсилен, изјави Трајче Рушев.

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Оглас за работна позиција: Соработник за Атанас Близнакоф програмата за студентска извонредност

Организацијата Македонија2025 е посветена на создавање на просперитетна економска клима во Република Македонија која ќе ги подобри можностите за граѓаните, домашните компании и странските инвеститори. Промовираме одржлив економски раст преку поттикнување на конкурентноста, претприемништвото, иновациите и лидерството.

Поради остварување на нашата мисија, бараме високо мотивирани, амбициозни и талентирани лица.

Опис на позицијата:

Како Соработник за Атанас Близнакоф програмата за студентска извонредност на Македонија2025, вашите работни обврски ќе вклучуваат:

  • Раководење и спроведување на Атанас Близнакоф програмата за студентска извонредност согласно планот за работа на организацијата;
  • Активности поврзани со развој на годишен план за работа и можности за унапредување на програмата;
  • Координација со сите инволвирани страни во програмата со цел успешна реализација;
  • Поддршка и учество во други проекти кои ги спроведува организацијата;
  • Поддршка на тимот на Македонија2025 и Одборот на директори при други тековни и административни задачи;
  • Други задачи утврдени со планот за работа на организацијата.

Услови за работа:

Позицијата е со работно време од 40 часа неделно во Скопје.

Селектираните кандидати првично ќе бидат ангажирани со договор за работа на определено време (6 месеци) што ќе вклучува и обука, со можност за продолжување на договорот и вработување на неопределено време.

Месечниот надоместок ќе изнесува најмалку 35,000 денари нето.

Работата на Соработникот ќе се оценува најмалку еднаш годишно од главниот извршен директор и претседателот на Одборот на директори на Македонија2025, врз основа на однапред утврдени цели. Согласно успешноста, ќе имате право на пораст на платата и/или бонус за успешност.

Квалификации и вештини:

  • Завршени додипломски или магистерски студии;
  • Релевантно работно искуство или соодветен ангажман во раководење и работа на проекти од најмалку 2 години;
  • Одлични комуникациски вештини, со високо ниво на говорен и пишан англиски јазик;
  • Напредно познавање на алатките на Microsoft Office (особено Word и Excel) и Google;
  • Аналитичност, прецизност и деталност во работењето;
  • Способност за справување со повеќе разновидни задачи истовремено;
  • Креативност и самоиницијатива, желба за постојано учење и надградување на знаењето;
  • Навременост и строго почитување рокови;
  • Подготвеност за индивидуална и тимска работа;
  • Познавање и верување во мисијата на Македонија2025.

Рок и начин на пријавување:

Документите кои ги докажуваат горe споменатите барања да се достават по електронски пат на Документите треба да содржат:

  • Професионална биографија;
  • Мотивациско писмо на англиски јазик (најмногу една страница);
  • Референци од претходни работодавачи/проектни координатори (не е задолжително).

Првичната селекција ќе се спроведе врз основа на доставените документи. Само избраните кандидати во втор круг ќе бидат повикани на интервју.

Работно време на организацијата е од 08:00/09:00 до 16:00/17:00 часот, од понеделник до петок.

Рокот за доставување на апликациите е 10 јуни 2024 година.

Приклучувањето кон Македонија2025 како соработник на образовна програма претставува можност да придонесете кон мисијата на организацијата за поттикнување на образовниот развој и еднакви можности за образование на сите млади луѓе во Македонија.

Напомена: Овој опис на работното место е општ опис на одговорностите и квалификациите и може да подложи на промени согласно потребите на Македонија2025.

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Macedonia2025 Announces New Chair

Skopje (May, 2024) – Macedonia 2025, a non-profit, non-political organization with primary focus on economic and leadership development, announces the appointment of Viktor Mizo as Chairman of its Board of Directors. Mizo, who joined the Macedonia2025 Board in 2020, succeeds Michael Cklamovski, President, Northern California at Northern Trust, who served as Chairman since 2021.

“It has been an honour to serve as the Chairman of the Macedonia2025 Board of Directors,” said Cklamovski. “I am incredibly proud of the strides we have made in fostering economic development and leadership growth in Macedonia. Our initiatives have significantly impacted the local economy and provided valuable opportunities for our youth and professionals. I am confident that Viktor Mizo will continue to drive our mission forward with his extensive experience and dedication.”

Viktor Mizo is Vice President of Governmental Affairs of the German family owned Kostal group – global leader in design and manufacturing of advanced electronics and mechatronics products for the automotive industry and Managing Director of Kostal Macedonia. Mizo is also President of the Foreign Investors Council within the auspices of the Economic Chamber of North Macedonia.

Mizo received his B.S. and M.S. in Mechanical Engineering at the Rochester Institute of Technology, graduating summa cum laude. An alumnus of Harvard University, he holds an MBA from the Harvard Business School.

“I am honoured to have been appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors,” said Mizo. “I look forward to building on the strong foundation laid by Michael and the Board. Our goal is to accelerate Macedonia’s economic growth and enhance its competitiveness on the global stage. We will continue to support innovative programs and initiatives that empower our citizens and attract investment to our country.”

About Macedonia2025

Macedonia2025 is an international, independent, non-political ‘think & do’ tank founded in 2007 by Macedonian expatriates. Our purpose is to drive sustainable economic growth that will improve opportunities for citizens, companies, and foreign investors. We encompass a wide array of programs that enable expatriates to give back to their homeland.

Our vision is for Macedonia to become the leading economy and most prosperous country in the region.

Our mission is to shape Macedonia’s future by promoting sustainable economic growth that will improve opportunities for citizens, companies, and foreign investors.

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We’re excited to announce the successful conclusion of this year’s Leader Project Pitching Competition! After weeks of intensive training and preparation, eight (8) innovative startup ideas were showcased.

From disruptive technologies to sustainable solutions, each company presented their vision for addressing real-world challenges and making a positive impact. The diversity of ideas and the passion behind each presentation truly showcased the depth of talent nurtured through the Leader Project.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our esteemed jury members, whose expertise, insights, and dedication were instrumental in ensuring the success of the competition:

Prof. d-r Nikica Mojsoska – Blazevski

Ivana Nikolic

Mitko Andonov

Aleksandar Celeski

Bijan Mirshahi

Their thoughtful evaluation and commitment to supporting aspiring entrepreneurs played a pivotal role in selecting the top-performing company as the winner of the competition.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all participants for their hard work, dedication, and entrepreneurial drive. Each one of you has demonstrated resilience, creativity, and a commitment to excellence, inspiring us all with your passion for innovation:

Elena Nikolovska

Simona Miladinovska

Ana Jovanovska

Atanasij Josifovski

Sashe Angelovski

Elizabeta Zrlevska

Filip Damjanoski

Jelena Cvetkovikj Ikonomova

Jana Krstevska

Olga Nikolovska

Elena Stavrevska

Ivana Jevtic Nikolova

Filip Aleksovski

Danche Azmanova Mirchevska

Nikola Markoski

Vasko Kostov

Margarita Postolova

Anastasija Stankovska

Darko Mitrevski

As we celebrate the success of this year’s competition, we’re excited to continue supporting the journey of our participants. Whether through further mentorship, networking opportunities, or access to resources, we remain committed to empowering aspiring entrepreneurs and helping them turn their dreams into reality.